That is one tricky wall....

A car-burglary suspect fell to his death early Thursday after he climbed over a wall on San Francisco’s Telegraph Hill while trying to flee from police, apparently unaware that on the other side of the wall was a 200-foot cliff, authorities said.

in his defense if i was running from the cops, i probably would have jumped over that wall too… it def doesn’t look like a big drop from the street side…

He’s white… no wonder he can’t get over the wall. He just doesn’t have that natural wall jumping/climbing ability

LOL @ James Ronald Cockrum Jr

so as a cop do you shoot at him as he is falling or do you just sit back and laugh at the dumbass?

we can only hope

I really need to dl a .gif creator. I would animate every funny story like this.

Yeah but living in SF, you should know of the possibility. And looking out and seeing how far down the nearest building is should be a clue as well.

well yeah, but i was implying that when you are runnin from da cops u jus run u dont look u no?

Speaking from experience unfortunately, fuck no. Gotta map out your escape. lol

i.e. HYPOTHETICALLY if a cop tried to pull me over on my bike, and for some reason I decided to run, I’m no going to turn down a street I have never been down.

guy sure looks like a real winner :tup:

That’s the face of a friendless wigger.

lol what a dumbass. wounder what he was thinking as he was falling. humm, “shit this is going to suck, maybe i shouldnt have jumped here”

edit: SPLAT!:rx3:


