Thats a show they will never forget....

Cliffs: Shamu picks up seaworld employee and kills them at live show

Cliffs: They call them killer wales for a reason dumb asses

Its a risk they take as animals are completely unpredictable. As for Killer whales being dangerous is generally false. They are able to make emotional relationships among different species as do dolphins. If you search on Killer whales they get the “Killer” in there name because its on of the only animals to have no predators in the wild.

I heard a report on the news that this isnt the first person this particular whale has injured/killed either.

The problem is that could be what a whale considers playing around, which obviously is on a whole different level for humans and like JVG said its a huge risk to train a Killer Whale.

aww, no video.

You KNOW there will be. :shifty :lol

i’m hopin for vids!!!

Turns out the whale had caused injury to the woman before…

And a few years ago some guy stayed in the park till after hours and tried to hop into the whale tank (fuxers need to stop watching free willy) and got killed by the same whale

Hes got the TASTE

Id say kill the fucking thing and serve it at Red Lobster but that might offend PETA or some other dirty tree hugging hippies.

KILLER whale.

Emphasis on KILLER.

Those whales are no joke.

reading > you

these people are idiots for being surprised. its a giant wild animal. DO NOT FUCK WITH WILD ANIMALS!

Hey guys Im going to ride a rhinoceros around the zoo.