Thats the thing, that tool assemblymen IS the one pushing for the bill… that would be like telling a 6 yearold NO, when they are just going to do it anyways.
BUT for what its worth, I sent a real “thats the dumbest thing I ever heard” comment to him, with my name address and all.
followed by a fake for lulz.
Here is the thing… the reality is no matter how man citizens vote for whomever, it is a penny at the bottom of a wishing well. The crooks will get in, Crook A or Crook B… both will push for what THEY believe in is right, right for them NOT YOU. They can argue and speak out on commercials all they want… “I am a peoples man, I do whats best for real citizens…” the fuck you do, show me the REAL results. Real results where the overwhelming majority of the citizens your decisions are impacting AGREE WITH YOUR DECISION. Once that’s accomplished, I will get of my “lazy” ass and vote to RE ELECT you.
voting is the number one most over rated, under utilized piece of shit “decision making” tool we have in this country. Your vote is already cast for you, well more specifically grossly narrowed down, in front of a $50K rare rainforest red oak board room table, with some rare 25 year old wine, by people wearing suits that cost more than my daily driver. All your doing by voting is picking the lesser of two evils, based on million dollar campaign ads based 5% on truth, 70% on shit talking and undermining the competitor then 25% plugging names and organizations who paid for said ad.
the only thing we can do I think is civil disobedience, just like Gandhi. Get out your bike and protest up and down that dick’ block in front of his house.
Ohhh yessss I will.