the 100-0 basketball shutout thread.

If you read, he did everything possible to reduce the running of the score. Just happens the other team was so bad they couldn’t affectively benefit from it.

Sympathy in competitive sports is worse than a blow out. At least in a blow out you still get the satisfaction of playing hard, when a team just says here you go and hands you points you know you didn’t earn them.

They stopped the press a few minutes into the first.
Benched all starters.
Played time possession to try to get the clock down.
4th quarter was only 12 points…

Oh wow really??? I wouldn’t have thought of this either if I didn’t read.


keep adding to the list, you’re doing so well

if the coach did everything he could to reduce the running of the score, then he should not have to apologize.

I told you guys i didn’t read it!

-read the article/ watch the video
-retract your vote
-benefit from being learned

haha, I love there are 20+ people sitting behind their computers going, “WTF is wrong with this dude!? I am going to school him!!”

Someone clearly must do it.


20+ means, 20 or more

Well fuck me with a broken spoon… I thought I was being witty for once! Damnit all to hell. Damnit Damnit Damnit! Say you’re sorry! SAY IT! I’m gonna get you fired, that was so mean!

Ill state once again, im on the fence about if he should apologize or not. He should have never lost his job ever. I think what boardjnky and I are hung up on is looking past the details all of you are.

None of these girls are going professional in basketball, none of them needed inflated numbers. In high school sports, sportsmanship should weigh almost equally in value as competitveness when it comes to a sport as useless as GIRLS basketball.

When you kill a man, you shoot him until he is dead, maybe if your classy, you will even put it in his chest so he can have a open coffin… what you dont do is light him up with 5 clips all over the body and then rape every orifice of his body and then decapitate him… Some people do that and in society, we call the psychopaths.

Obviously this is on a much smaller scale here but everything from the parents of the losing team who got out of work early to watch their kids play, all the way down to the jr varsity squad who may be discouraged to ever peruse their fun sport. This was somewhat tasteless.

Im not even saying they should have let them score or anything… Im just saying look at things deeper than face value (which 95% of nyspeed never does)

Maybe they thought they were loosing? …Dyslexic

it was a high school JV game? lol the refs should have just called the game.

I voted he should apologize because from what I can see there was no sportsmanship involved. The parents should be ashamed too. Shutting a team out period is an accomplishment. Shutting a team out by 100 in a HIGH SCHOOL sports game is just retarded. When I played in high school, yes we were competitive and taught to win, we wanted to crush whoever we played, but we also kept respect and sportsmanship in the equation as well - something you don’t find in pro sports anymore.

I just don’t understand why the Refs wouldn’t call the game at some point.

If they could not manage to get one basket the entire game, how is that the opposing coach’s fault? By nature of basketball, where the scores are nearly always 50 to 100 points or more for each side, everyone gets open shots. If they couldn’t get one basket in 60 minutes those girls for the team that got shut out didn’t deserve to be on the court that day. If anything, their own coach should be blamed.

I think there should be a poll option for “how the hell did a girls basketball team even break double digits… it’s like watching paint dry, jesus”

The other teams coach should apologize for wasting their time.

where are pics of the team

(insert pedo bear)

The coach did nothing wrong, he taught the players to do their best and obviously they did. I’d bet losing that game 82-6 was in their mind while they were playing.