The 12Hr Sebring GT2 finish [2007]

For those of you poor saps that missed one of the best race finishes EVER.

The Sebring GT2 finish

Wow that was impressive. I wasn’t able to sit there for the whole day and watch this. Wish I would have caught the end when it was on.

it was great…i am glad i watched it…from like 5:30-10

Wow, nice… I saw the topic and was like… WTF a Sebring GT2 WHY!@!@!..

LMAO!!! I thought the same thing. There’s a sweeeet Plymouth Breeze around here wtha unpainted (cracked) body kit…it was the first thing that popped into my head.


I think this may be the first time in years Im glad I saw any kind of motorsports. I saw it on TV for some bizzare reason. Racing is usually beyond boring (on TV)

Actually, all sports are boring on TV

That sucked for Porsche.
What was that, Ferrari’s version of Dale Earnhardt?:tdown:

“Rubbin is racin” YEEEEHAAAAW!

Burgmeister clearly had the win until he was hit from behind.

If you’re not first…your last.

Nice finish… drag race to the end.

Been to that track, it’s huge…

I still think that was a garbage pass.

The final turn at Sebring is extremely bumpy, and while there was certainly some incidental contact, the squeeze on the back straight was clearly a block, and illegal, and then the second bump right before the line was complete bull shit.

But hey, racing is racing, and I would’ve done the same thing.

What jorg had to say about it