The Adirondack Remix Photo Series

On the way to the adirondacks last week, before the millersport exit, had to pull over to fix something in my fathers car, here’s a shot i took while waiting to continue on-

Early Morning drive -

this is Donnely’s soft ice cream, right on Crystal Springs Dairy farm… the best ice in the world, having it once a year is so great every time we go up there

Looking down the road… if i were to turn left i would be seeing White Face Mountain, here i am about 15 minutes from Lake Placid, NY

Late night fires on the campsite -

While driving back from ice cream one nite me and my bro stopped and walked down a steep hill into these woods that ended with a huge lake, sunset, so the sun was pouring into the woods -

here is my bro sitting on the very edge of the wodds and its all lake in front of him

we then saw this tree that had been ripped out of its roots and fell into the water, we later balanced ourselves and walked out to the end of it

this shot has such a 50s newspaper type feel to it, taken from the middle of the fallen tree looking down into the water

splashing water while kayaking

this shot i held my camera really close to the water, where the knuckles of my hand under the camera were getting wet, another inch and my cam would have touched water. Green Pond, NY

fallen trees still surface far out into the water

The Tunnel leading from Fish Creek Pond to Green Pond

lotus elise

the 3 ducks i had fed earlier in the day, hours later i found them all sleeping on a log

Blue Herring i saw at the end of my kayak trip

rest stop on the 90 west

me chilling at the rest stop, then drove home

thx for looking :slight_smile:

that is pretty good, but wheres the bitches lol…great pictures…

Do I see an HDR or two in there? You’re so SLLY

Fantastic work as usual, I love #2 for some reason :tup:

nope no HDRs, i think shadow/highlight hooked me up in PS to give an ALMOST HDR look

Fantastic. We used to go to that ice cream place every year, and a few other pics look familiar.

The 50s newspaper one is nice, you’re 100% right about it looking like that.

greatest photographer ever?

u a photgrapher