The Amero

Please leave your thoughs and opinions.

I actually though of posting this video after i read the article link by REFUSED on the 203 bill.

haha i was just talking about this the other day to gabriel240sx and how we will have all our freedoms stripped from us and that america,canada and mexico will be governed by 1 government.

this is just a small clip thats pretty much taken from the movie Zeitgeist - the movie 2007, which is about this issue, evidence about 911,the american government,the banks and religion…its a really interesting movie

wow. thats crazy. its true tho everyone is manipulated by the media government etc. i can see it being true… crazy stuff.

watched that whole movie … very interesting id say. alot of truth in it tho.

**** THATTTTTTTTTTTTTTT …i wouldnt even chip my dogs…wat is this world coming too???:{

Thanks for the link Shorteaz, interesting video.

I thought to myself, okay if this is happening, which it probably is if not all some of it is true, what are we going to do about it before the shit hits the fan?

Interestingly theres a Will Smith movie comming out on December 14th 2007 called I AM LEGEND, which is pretty much “TRYING” to show what the future could be like in 5 years, i’d say its just another way we are being told fear things.

ur welcome

well in about 5 years according to all prophets…in the yr 2012…the world is going to end

^^^^hmmm. wow interesting, scary.

I used to think that too, but i think we will survive, the earth won’t come to an end,

but i have herd that major earth activity will happen, due to the rotation of the earths axis, some say we are rotating the wrong way, and every 26 thousand years i THINK, it corrects it self, this would lead to the sun comming out from the west, and,hmmm, now that i think of it it does relate alot to what you said, because i’ve heard that the day the sun rises from the opposite side of its current rise, shall be the last day.

man this sucks, i better find me a 350 before its too late.arrrg.

yea, it is a little scary…i just watched a show on this tonight…the sun earth and all the planets will align with i think they said the equator of the galaxy(which happens every 25 800 yrs) and the poles will shift…they think rapidly…which will cause havoc…earth quakes, flooding etc.

^^^ damm man, i don’t know what to feel, its so awkward to realise such a reality.

well i mean…it wont be reality until the prediction happens

i personally would like to believe its not true and go on with my life…but still dont turn a blind eye to the situation

^^^ you’re wise for real.

she is wise…scary wise…freaks me out