The auto's role in Global warming

Where do you see an effort towards the largest “polluters” happening?

We won’t agree to kyoto, and I don’t see any american plan to replace / compete with it.

6% is good…

Imagine if the money & marketing was aimed at the largest sectors.

6% of 100 = 6.
6% of 5000 = 300.

Sure it would cost more, (and bring more 3rd parties into the R&D process, creating more jobs / business / competition / premiums, but who cares about that right?), so lets say for the same price you can only reduce it by 1%…

Make believe numbers:
$10 million = 6% of 100, which is 6 tons
$10 million = 1% of 5000, which is 50 tons.

See what I’m saying?