The auto's role in Global warming

You’re going to bitch and moan about the impact of compact fluorescent waste after stating that nuclear power is a viable option?


Absolutely. Nuclear is far more viable and less damaging (as an industry, statistically speaking) then coal.

Statistically speaking people should just stop having kids, because we can’t support all of the kids stupid people seem to keep having.

Okay corY, tell me how evil nuclear power is, and how much worse then coal it will be.

Its pretty clear that conservation will not effectively solve anything, since it won’t be adopted by nearly enough of the American population.

redgoober4life: don’t know if you are an art buff, but :tup: to your pic, i think i’m going to see the new exhibit tommorrow.

It will if we castrate them!:lockd::lockd::lockd::lockd::lockd::lockd::lockd::lockd::lockd::lockd::lockd::lockd::lockd::lockd::lockd::lockd::lockd::lockd::lockd::lockd::lockd::lockd:

And I <3 art.


since global warming is a hoax anyway and people would rather listen to al gore and other political tards than logic, im going to pollute even more on purpose to try to get the climate of florida in WNY.
