The baby blue shark hood neon tried chasing me down...

If you want to fight someone legally, I’ll be glad to spar with you at a gym. Your choice - boxing, mixed martial arts, grappling, wrestling, whatever. Having it done at a gym is good, it will prevent me from doing stuff like breaking your neck.

I have’nt sparred in forever…but would like to! Maybe we could have a NYSpeed Spar meet.

ACTUALLY! We could invite these kids to whatever gym, sign releases and go at it. The gym I used to work out at used to host, “Tard Cards” where ~tough~ street thugs, bouncers, ect. would come in to “kick some ass” and more than 98% of the time were winded in the 1st 30sec or knocked out.

Wee hoo for M.M.A.!!