so many poor people not enough time
ive been to that house and its nowhere near worth 100k. the garage doesnt even have lights or a concrete floor in it.
What’s funnier than poor people?
Poor people living in the dark on a dirt floor.
I’m a little late but some one said boobies. Where and how many?
if u wanna show how much its worth i can look it up on a website i just need a address i can even tell u the property value and what ur mommy and daddy pay for taxes
Man, I wish I had a 100k house or some 4-wheelers. Where did all of these poor people all of a sudden come from? I wonder if they’re parents get upset everytime they use their phone line to get on the internet.
there went the property value. next thing you know there will be minorities hanging out on the street corners.
As opposed to - trash pulling up their trailers to the corner?
Watch yourself.
good luck man. I hear that’s a tough gig to get
I know, I tried to get a job there.
I am still hoping to hear back from them so I can quit my current job
As opposed to - trash pulling up their trailers to the corner?
Watch yourself.
clearly i was kidding. sorry howie.
clearly i was kidding. sorry howie.
Oh, I just got back from work, didn’t notice the sarcasm. That and this thread is giving me a headache, can one really be so fucking dumb?
Oh, I just got back from work, didn’t notice the sarcasm. That and this thread is giving me a headache, can one really be so fucking dumb?
<3. it was in context to kcuv’s post.
and yes, people can be that dumb. what do you expect from people with TV’s in their hoods?
That is so fucking amazing. :lol:
^^ lol netzero
Good read, So which faggots are in this Neon club or associated with the shark tooth neon here on NYspeed cause this is starting to get confusing
:gotme: why did poor dude edit all his old posts???
cause he pays his internet by the amount of text he uses?