The baby blue shark hood neon tried chasing me down...

O dear…O dear…O dear…O dear

sigh sigh sigh sigh sigh sigh sigh

This is the reason I dont want children
This is the reason I dont want children

2007 - NYSpeed - The civil war is over. Now we will unite and take on other shitty car forums, car clubs, d-bags from NC, and rave girl.


Good read!

hahaha wow… great beginning to the work day. speedped, you’re an idiot. LOVE how you act like you’re a tough guy. need i share with the group a certain PM you sent to a certain someone asking if he was going to beat you up? i CANT WAIT until you show up somewhere and someone gets in your face. i hope i have a camera handy.

HAHAHA, I’d love to hear that story, could be +1-2 pages of drama

The answer is YES!

he needs to “show one” a pm that is

+1 :needpic: -pics + PMs

It was a PM he sent me


i deletyed all my posts because i dont want this drama coming onto me because of what i or toucan said defending mike and his neon, for me what i said was because i was in the club and was sticking up for a friend and member but im backing out of this because i dont want to be hated by the car community or have any issues with anyone because of a post that was made online so cya

seems fair enough. probably a good move

what’s with all the Y’s that just don’t fit in words?

yeah. but keep in mind that a lot of the “hate” in this thread is really just joking around.

i know 90% of the people posting in this thread are good people, and view this as nothing more than entertainment. No one would ever get hurt. No one’s car would ever be vandalized. Etc.

does anybody have a “backpeddling” gif? :lol:

C’mon man, dont be a pussy; who gives a fuck what these people say. I just wouldn’t defend someone who drives the mechanical shark from the movie Jaws, thats prob where you went wrong

and i DONT work at a fast food joint

Sorry you work the drive thru at the autoparts store…same difference.

Which fast food place do you work at, I may stop there at lunch

yes yes all in good fun


i think other people are going a little to far riceing down union to get you:gotme:

my .02

thats why i stop bobby dont me me gettin to cuz im in Twisted Images he dont want beef wit uncle bens