The baby blue shark hood neon tried chasing me down...

paints good yummy


Here is the bottom line, people look at that car and stare at it like they stare at a body on the side of a road.

And in case you were to poor to realize, that’s not a compliment.


that dont mean he can paint


You got me there dude! I guess i missed the whole point of your post about how his daddy paying for his cars… Silly me


that dont mean he can paint




I give up.


all im saying is newman needs to grow up and quit starting shit with people i know, mikes car isnt even bad theres nothing ghetto on it theres no rust its all done right just because you dont agree with his taste is no reason to talk shit. at least he works for what he has and does his own work. un like newman oooo my daddys giving me money yay now i can buy all the friends and car stuff i want . but look at newman and the way he looks and dresses then look at mike but w/e just quit runnin your mouth


Did you miss the part where he is a mechanical engineer…

and get this…when you don’t work at a fast food joint you can afford to buy your self nice things…

nice try he works at roots you idoit

I love retarded noobs :gay:

It was a generalization…not a direct stab at any losers in this thread…


all im saying is newman needs to grow up and quit starting shit with people i know, mikes car isnt even bad theres nothing ghetto on it theres no rust its all done right just because you dont agree with his taste is no reason to talk shit. at least he works for what he has and does his own work. un like newman oooo my daddys giving me money yay now i can buy all the friends and car stuff i want . but look at newman and the way he looks and dresses then look at mike but w/e just quit runnin your mouth



FIRST: I don’t know if you caught on to this or not, but all that stuff about my dad buying my cars is a joke. I’ve paid for everything, including ALL my schooling, myself.

SECOND: The neon sucks. Bad. I’ll bet the owner thinks it sucks too. There is no way the car is NOT a joke.


but look at newman and the way he looks and dresses then look at mike

Newman = has super cool looks, has hot GF and has nice cars
Mikey = has kid, has shitty car, has fat/poor GF (just guessing here)

nothing ghetto?

There was a bloody TV in the hood!


nice try he works at roots you idoit


who works at roots?

he was talking about me. i’m a mechanical engineer.

EDIT: oh, you’re talking about the fast food comment. wtf is roots? is that the clothing store? Retail is for suckers.


all im saying is newman needs to grow up and quit starting shit with people i know, mikes car isnt even bad theres nothing ghetto on it theres no rust its all done right just because you dont agree with his taste is no reason to talk shit. at least he works for what he has and does his own work. un like newman oooo my daddys giving me money yay now i can buy all the friends and car stuff i want . but look at newman and the way he looks and dresses then look at mike but w/e just quit runnin your mouth


newmans a mechanical engineer. he makes plenty of money where he can afford all these toys. please stop talking like a hard ass u dont impress anyone.

who the hells is toucan?!?! And who works at roots?

Booby traps?!?

roots style blower?

he works as a blower?

blower = fluffer?



Would read again.

But VQ, when you claim that their house would fit in your living room, don’t you mean your parent’s living room?

myke works at roots you douchebag and root is a collision shop…newman your a retard


roots style blower?

he works as a blower?

blower = fluffer?



can we call you roots? its almost as badass as maverick

Myke? WTF this guy is getting better by the minute! i wish my name could have a y insterted in it… Ryb… Nope it doesn’t work