The Baltimore Disaster/what in the hell happened to women this weekend V2

I wrote this email to the lead singer of the band that I saw Saturday night. Read on…

And yeah, TurboTravis has feelings.


This might get lengthy, I apologize in advance…

So like I said a month or so ago, I was going to pop up at a random show. Obviously, it was Baltimore last night. What I did not know until Friday, was that I was going to have a date for the show…

I met a girl off of a dating site about a week ago, and we set up a date for this past Friday night. It went very well, we seemed to connect and have a lot in common. I brought up the idea of her going to the concert with me, and she was all for it. I was estatic about it myself, as it’s been a ongoing dream of mine to be holding someone close at the front row of a GNR/Appetite show.

As you could probably tell, I was having a fucking blast last night. In fact, it was the best night that I have had in recent memory, with a good portion of that because she was there, and all mine. It was a fairly tail…until…

About 2 songs from the end of the setlist, she started to act weird, it came on VERY quick. She pulled me off of the floor, and accused me of hitting on another girl ‘for half the night’, and that she was not going to have any part of being there with me. Understandable…IF I WAS HITTING ON ANOTHER GIRL! My eyes were for her last night brother, and no one else. I was floored, and left very confused and hurt when she made those false accusations about me. I tried to reason with her, but she wanted nothing to do with it, and pushed me away.

So, I left the venue, and went back to the hotel with my head hung low. Using my emotional distress at the time as an excuse, which is reasonable, I forgot the fact that I had her credit card and drivers license. She had asked me for her car keys, but they, along with her purse, were left back in the hotel room before we headed out for the evening.

She shows up about an hour later, and gets her purse. And then, she shows up about another hour later, WITH THE FUCKING POLICE, accusing me of stealing her credit card and drivers license. Once they got the story, they asked me strait up what other drugs she was on. I can understand why they asked that, but I only saw her consume alcohol. I gave them her credit card and drivers license without issue. They filed some kind of ‘domestic dispute’ report or something.

Unreal man. A fucking domestic dispute with a girl that I barely even knew. I know I did nothing wrong, but in the end, I’m still laying here with my feelings hurt. I cannot blank out the fact that we had an amazing time, until she flipped.

Anyway dude, I just had to let you know whats up, and why I was not around at the end of the show. I look forward to seeing you in Baldwinsville, and I’m hoping that it goes better, to say the least.

Take care

Did you put your dick on her face?

date rape, Travis does it. :tongue


by any chance between the begging and when this happen you showed her your banana cock? :rofl That might cause something

no seriously that sucks dude… that pretty fuckin crazy acctualy… I woulda smacked her with the banana cock

Travis get back to NY your becoming emo.

This should be a lesson to all of you. Nothing could comes out of Maryland

Except fucking crabcakes.

Maryland has never done me wrong.
I think Travis just misses us all so much he’s going emo.

+1 on the crabcakes though.
Some day I’m going to find that little green shanty again…

So you met a girl, she was all good at first, then she went psycho. This is the rule and why when you find the exception you stick with it for awhile. Just consider yourself lucky if anything. Most girls put on a front for the first 6 months to 1 year. Then the crazy comes out. You were lucky enough to have it happen in 6 hours. The glass is half full man. Half full.

I was feeling sympathetic until I read this part…

So you did take her license and credit card?

She left all her shit at the hotel, then accused him of stealing it/refusing to give it to her/etc.

ok. I reread it (3 more times!) and I see. He had her license and CC on him at the show and when she got her purse she didn’t get her cc/license because they weren’t in there.

Sorry about that then Travis. IDK you I only know the cock picture thread! Sounds like you got a psycho chick that night…