worrying about getting caught is the mindset people have when ur still young… not wanting to take out a family of 4 is how you think when u grow up.
i meant it as a joke and everyone got their panties in a bunch…its no secret of my history of dislike towards DSMs, imports…etc…i believe most of the old heads can agree…thats not where my comments stemmed from anyway… it can also be said about me that i clearly dont care that people think g-bodys are a joke. i;ve heard everything on here. if my dislike for imports offends people there then the rest of their life is going to be full of shead tears when the real problems of life come into play. i think its a joke people say, well fast is fast you have to respect that" i dont gotta respect anything i dont like. thats just like in society they shove it down ur throat that u gotta accept homos…i’m not gonna wish death or harm upon them but i dont gotta condone that lifestyle one bit. If i;m this irrelevant there why does anyone give a fuck if i like their car. I’m usually chill because im not paying one bit of attention when its subaru talk. one of my best friends had an STI…before half the kids there were even in high shool. but again… be glad u got what u want…dont worry if im glad what u got. i’m happy what i have… u ask y i even say anything?..for the sole reason it pisses people off.

US… who is this us? last time i checked no one was elected mayor of miracle mile. i go because of a few really cool people… the rest i dont care about cause they come and go every year anyway. some people that should hold grudges dont but i do…i hate when people fuck my friends over. i trust most of the people there about as far as i can throw them. imma keep goin and i could care less if but a handful of people talk to me. thats just how it is. i’m not tryin to start a fight with anyone…not tryin to talk shit…but some people that come around make me wanna puke because their lack of respect…smile in ur face and creapin in ur back door while ur sleeping… my advice is watch who u trust. with a shop u gotta watch, u got a lot of people who u think are cool with u that will take what u got in a heartbeat. thats just honest advice… seen way too much BS up there that makes me that way. Thats the main reason i acted the way i did when they kid wanted to buy my car… I DONT TRUST ANYONE. people will scout ur shit, whether its ur car, shop, ur wallet, ur girl… and you people that go there KNOW EXACTLY what the fuck i’m talkin about.