
Sorry TBSS:cool:


i want a rematch with TBSS dont’ think the results were fair. i want to see a clean run as it is deceivingly fast

No problem!!:beer:



make me wanna come up even more. and roll racing isnt racing…doing 150 plus down the parkway ist convienent its fucking ignorant. atleast when people race from a dig they pick a secluded spot so they dont jeopardize everyone else. and i really dont two shits who i piss off because i know who my friends are…the rest just wanna talk behind ur back. everyone gotta be in everyones business. dont speak as “we” anyway…

there’s only one GREAT PUMPKIN…thats what i call rise of the great pumpkin :smiley:

I see the point of bitching about roll racing. Its not safe for other drivers and some people get scared going that fast and having to actually turn your car. For example: Having a car from the 80’s that cant handle and trying to turn at 150mph . I see the point that is for roll racing , going 160+ in a car that wont do that in the 1/8 or 1/4 mile. All i am going to say is. If i have a car that is pretty much stock that will do 200mph im not going to only race it to 100mph or whatever in the 1/8th. I would want to race till i couldnt go any faster. Texas mile ftw. I love all racing and i dont sit there and bitch when someone doesnt race the way i would prefer to race. Not all cars are made the same. Some are built for different reasons. Some auto x , some do 1/8 or 1/4 , 1 mile , etc. Are you going to laugh at a bugati veyron owner for wanting to race from a dig to 250mph? Sure you might need a 3 mile stretch and you might beat him till 160mph but then he blows by you like your standing still. In my opinion a race shouldnt be over until one of the cars lets off. Once again thats my opinion and i wont complain because i go up to prp and a zr1 only does 130mph because it was only a 1/4mile instead of 200mph but gets beat by a car that gets to 130 faster but then loses all power.

I know everyone is pro 1/4 and 1/8th mile on here. Just stating my opinion

you have ur people that are into top end…who is faster… but the majority of people will tell you the yard stick most cars are put up to is the 1/4 mile. 1/4 mile drag racing is the standard of street cars worth. when i think of 1/4 mile i would give two shits about a zr1 anyway. I guess i;m old school. i feel like those guys in chi-town.

i mean under your thinking i could gear the shittiest car so it’ll do 250…if ur car only goes 200…you might get there about a mile before i do but if neither of us lets off i could theoretically take 10 minutes to catch up and get to 200 and beyond… i dont buy it… top speed is good for magazine coveres but the performance standard is the 1320 and thats how it should be… i mean all racing is a predetermined distance(miles, laps, time, etc)… a marathon, indy 500,24 hours at lemans, 100 meter dash… its never till one person lets off.

Well ya i guess your right with the whole i can take ten minutes and catch up thing if theres no set limit. But say theres a 20 mile race. I would not want a car that is built to go to 160 as fast as possible over one that is built to do 240mph. The general rule of roll racing is you end at 100 mph over what speed you start at. So 50-150mph

i certainly understand peoples opinions on roll racing, however how can anyone in general claim street racing is at all safe? yes all of us have probably done it , but running from a dig, or going from a roll its the same concept with the same risk,i refuse to believe that the reason people look for a “secluded area” is because they dont want to jeoperdize other people, they do it so they dont get caught by the police. i believe all of this was started because “miracle mile faggots” didnt come to the bench racer annual, now i know i was one of the people really looking forward to going, however it fell on the same day as the shootout, and as much as id like to go to see the rides of pittspeed battle it out, i would much rather go watch some of the fastest 4cyl awd cars in the world, i still yet to see why someones personal choice to go to one place or another is really that big of a deal. I also dont quite understand where you get off saying that people of miracle mile are faggots with gay cars or whatever it was you said, i can recall many times ive come up there after the shop and seen you hanging out up there being cool as hell with everyone. Theres actually some pretty awesome cars up there, no they might not meet ur criteria of what is a cool car, but none the less there are some pretty decent cars . and plain and simple why even hang out there with us if your this opinionated? I could sit here and say your olds with the chrome wheels and system bumping when u come in is fuckin retarded, but no, no one up there does , everyone is calm cool and relaxed if you dont feel that our choice of going to the shootout was a better idea then going to the pittspeed bra, then thats fine but did u attend the bra? what did your car run? as mack is saying every car is purpose built, whether it be roll racing or 1/8 or 1/4.

Roll racing in itself is kinda lame, to each their own. I did it, will still do it.
Too much bullshit in various setups to brag who is better/faster. For fun yes, to brag fuck no.
To criticize the top end warriors that actually do race on a legit track is naive.

If i had loot, I would build a mile only car. anyone can run the 1/4
run the 1 mile different ballgame.

Maxton Mile N.C
[ame=“”]YouTube - Land Speed Racing & Maxton Mile - 200MPH +[/ame]

Don’t forget this 714mph top end warrior. Then hits 763mph :rofl:
[ame=“”]YouTube - Thrust SSC -over the sound barrier ![/ame]

[ame=“”]YouTube - Supercar Hits 714mph[/ame]

[ame=“”]YouTube - Maxton NC Land Speed Racing On Board a Hayabusa[/ame]

worrying about getting caught is the mindset people have when ur still young… not wanting to take out a family of 4 is how you think when u grow up.
i meant it as a joke and everyone got their panties in a bunch…its no secret of my history of dislike towards DSMs, imports…etc…i believe most of the old heads can agree…thats not where my comments stemmed from anyway… it can also be said about me that i clearly dont care that people think g-bodys are a joke. i;ve heard everything on here. if my dislike for imports offends people there then the rest of their life is going to be full of shead tears when the real problems of life come into play. i think its a joke people say, well fast is fast you have to respect that" i dont gotta respect anything i dont like. thats just like in society they shove it down ur throat that u gotta accept homos…i’m not gonna wish death or harm upon them but i dont gotta condone that lifestyle one bit. If i;m this irrelevant there why does anyone give a fuck if i like their car. I’m usually chill because im not paying one bit of attention when its subaru talk. one of my best friends had an STI…before half the kids there were even in high shool. but again… be glad u got what u want…dont worry if im glad what u got. i’m happy what i have… u ask y i even say anything?..for the sole reason it pisses people off.

US… who is this us? last time i checked no one was elected mayor of miracle mile. i go because of a few really cool people… the rest i dont care about cause they come and go every year anyway. some people that should hold grudges dont but i do…i hate when people fuck my friends over. i trust most of the people there about as far as i can throw them. imma keep goin and i could care less if but a handful of people talk to me. thats just how it is. i’m not tryin to start a fight with anyone…not tryin to talk shit…but some people that come around make me wanna puke because their lack of respect…smile in ur face and creapin in ur back door while ur sleeping… my advice is watch who u trust. with a shop u gotta watch, u got a lot of people who u think are cool with u that will take what u got in a heartbeat. thats just honest advice… seen way too much BS up there that makes me that way. Thats the main reason i acted the way i did when they kid wanted to buy my car… I DONT TRUST ANYONE. people will scout ur shit, whether its ur car, shop, ur wallet, ur girl… and you people that go there KNOW EXACTLY what the fuck i’m talkin about.

i think its a joke people say, well fast is fast you have to respect that" i dont gotta respect anything i dont like.


Who is YOU people? you calling me a cracka ?
good post

A chica from the dsm world drives a “1 mile” dsm, she’s aiming for the 200mph mark. That sounds like a lot of fun to me.

1/4 is a benchmark.

Olds, you make me lol…Dsms, all of them, were built in normal IL, they are all domestics.

ben, normal, IL is still not normal. :rofl:
ride through there sometime

Reminded me of a fucked up cranberry late 80’s early 90’s. Population boom on farmland competing with rednecks.

I would not doubt that boom had shitty production line workers to make the famous DSM :rofl:

the only dsm i actually ever liked was the green one from F&F 1.

I’m still trying to track down that 6~8 speed transmission… [ame=“”]YouTube - Hızlı ve Öfkeli/Fast And Furious Eclipse[/ame]

The dsm came with 7 forward gears.
you folks never found the other 5, because always locked in 2nd :slight_smile:

:hahano: thats a horrible way to live life.