probably going to go, need to clear up a few details between now and this weekend and then I’ll pay for my spot. would be perfect to practice launching my car on slicks.



"I’d like to attend but being as it’s 1/8 mile it’s kinda
dumb for racing, and I think I’m
going to the dsm shootout "

Would you prefer a 60 mph roll?

i will be there as long as my trans holds till then. is there going to be anyone there to tow me home in case my trans blows?

I’ll gladly race from a dig I have no problem with that, I simply just hate 1/8 mile racing the Evo would be much better suited for that, and darkstar don’t mistake this as me saying I won’t race if I remember right you were the one requesting a race on the street, which is perfectly fine with me, or if you would like to race at the track fine to but 1/4 mile will be the distance, and to address pancho fuck ya what Honda guy wouldn’t want a 60 roll? But from a dig is fine as well

race on your dyno


Amazingly well thought out response

you are all Papa Uniform Sierra Sierra Yankee Sierra’s !!!

then race 1/8th mile.

George bring me some !!!
cook on spot for all i care. so fucking good damn it !!!
I might turn asian like miley cyrus by the end of year.

my luck you are TV dinner person :mad:

how much fun is drag racing a minivan? i think that’s called desperate or somefin…

I’d be up for this…

Unless my car blows up this weekend…Maple Grove - Pinks Arm Drop Live…
Provided I don’t get sick next week in New Delhi…Business trip from HELL!!

If I do get to go, I’ll race ya Darkstar…

how is maple grove? ive been wanting to stop out there . I keep getting invited by the lx group but never end up making it out there.

Race Pussies!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: @ all the pussy’s that are whining about 1/8 mile racing

Never been there…I’ll let ya know after this weekend!!


WOW this almost never happens, but I find myself agreeing with Darkstar…

It really is starting to sound like a pussy-out…

Jason would run his car on 2 cylinders and 3 wheels before backing out of anything :rofl: