The Best F-body is a Dead one


Hit Play, wait till the infomercial

How retarded is that? California. :rolleyes:

I would expect the same thing for someone involved in a DUI also then. Street racing has the POTENTIAL for injury as does a DUI. Problem is, half the lawmakers would probably lose their vehicles.

And if you want to take it to the level where you seize someone’s vehicle permanently (which I don’t see why that should be legal), then why not sell it for God’s sake, and make money for whatever it is they need to fund.

I guess, its really bad out thier and they can’t think of a better solution.

fill me in …i cant get it to play

cali cracks down on streetracing, impounds cars and destroys them.

That vid is a year old now. Where have you been? In the closet? :gaysex:

I thought that story seemed familar :rofl:

i’d fuck the shit out of jennifer davis :hitit:

i saw that a while ago i think i would most likely sue cuz i’d be out a lot of money

Man, that camaro was really hooked up…

You can rape someone, and still keep your dick. But if you street race, they take your car. WTF.


Best quote EV-A.

Anyway, yeah Cali is really really tough on street racing now. I know I told you guys about some of the stuff they were doing even 5 years ago such as painting all the curbs in known street racing areas red so you can’t park to setup races, making it an actual crime not just a traffic violation, etc.


IROC = italian retards out cruisin’

anyways, what they don’t show you is the chop shop out back and a ricer performance store on the corner. (FnF reference)

I Roll On Camaros