Best street racing video ever. [Honda Content ITT]!

shows how smart canadians are

The Ontario they are talking about is in Cali…there was a huge debate and law suits over this last year…one of the guys was able to provide receipts for everything. Forgot how much he won.

shows how smart murrdogs are

the point is… its retarded to just crush those cars… why not resell them and make the state some money.


Its not the cars that street race its the fuckin drivers :banghead

They did it from a political standpoint. “If you street race, you’ll be caught and your car will be crushed like those you see here.” It’s all propaganda, as awesome as I thought it was to see those things ripped apart. :slight_smile:

I really don’t think the state is worried over the $10,000 they could have made by selling the four cars.

vid made me a little sad to be honest, just a shitty situation overall

Guy in the crane, has skillz.

Seems like it would encourage most to run from the police, no?

Fucking Liberal Cali… this reminds me of when the Al-Quaita cut David Pearls Head off with a dull knife.

Absolutely would make me run from the police if I was a street racer there.

I think your just mad because your car blows

your retarded

No, they did it because the engine and trannys of those 4 cars were stolen.

Not necessarily, sir. Everything revolves around politics. There are actually laws in Cali against street racing that can lead to having the owners’ cars destroyed if convicted.

A little advice: the next time you try to be condescending towards myself or any other member on this forum, do a little more research instead of re-writing what you read in a youtube caption.

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…Usually the info section describes what is going on in the video, forgive me for believing what the owner of this video said was the cause of the crushing of these 4 cars…

“latter find out that the cars hwere to be destroyed do to having stolen engines, transmissions, and other performance perts or modifications.”

Well you came across as condescending to me, and your information wasn’t even correct. There are news stories out there that clearly state the cars were destroyed based on the California street racing law and not “do to having stolen engines, transmissions, and other performance perts or modifications.”