the big bang

The seismic shock created by the detonation was measurable even on its third passage around the Earth.

That’s the one that takes a while to wrap your head around.

Anyone ever read Of Angels and Demons?

Yea thats cooll… I’m more impressed with the 1000km blast damage

Thats just fucking insane. i mean really. how much of a boom do you need to get your point across. Most governments will give in after 2 or 300 km’s get scorched but shit 1000km’s?

i was watching something on history channel about the creaton of antimatter for use in faster then light spacecraft and even though its probably the only way to move faster then the speed of light so far it would take like a million years to produce enough for any kind of use at current production rates. its also real scary that even if they get a supply if it ever touches any other matter its pretty much a wrap so they can make it but dont know how they could safely use it. Not the smartest thing thats like creating a virus that can kill everyone on earth before knowing if youll ever be able to contain it.

I’m pretty sure there’s a few orders of magnitude difference in the intelligence of all the greatest living scientific minds on Earth, and Mr. slowtalon.

They know what they’re doing. And the primary mission of CERN is the observation, or the disproval, of the Higgs Boson particle, which would clear up a large portion of particle physics. Basically, scientists don’t know why shit has mass, or why shit has magnetism, or gravity, or anything. The Higgs boson particle is nicknamed the ‘God’ particle, because its observation would explain Why with a capital W.

they’re going to fuckin blow up the earth and new stars will form with the pieces of our fuckin bodies. kinda scary. the world ender.

they better give us awarning before they launch the fucker so i can go rape a celebrity in time

:lol: :bigclap: Best n00b post in a while. Please don’t be a troll…

But yeah, the end is near. One of the funnier/scarier things I’ve ever read is how, when they tested the first nuclear device at Roswell in the 40’s, a few of the scientists were placing side bets on whether or not they were about to ignite the atmosphere and destroy the world. Scientists aren’t always afraid to go for broke…

I’ve read that in a few places, and seen it on History Channel… fucking sweet eh.

Could you imagine the feeling, sitting there to watch the test… knowing (to the best of the knowledge at the time) you may well cause the end of the earth?


:word: I goddam well better have a front row seat for armageddon.

Dood, you’re an engineer, you have access to highly pressurized gasses… wtf are we waiting for?

I’m working on control logic for a temperature swing adsorption hydrogen purifier now. Git yer Ray Bans ready!

Will I have to leave my house? I’m <5 miles away.

Naw this is bullshit, er, product line development work. I’ll let you know if they decide to actually try it. (I’ll be running. Just follow me…)

Just let me know what the blast radius is. I’ll make sure to be out of it on the day of testing.