The Big Box Project

I like it, i want to see what thw outcome is

no pics of box. :tdown:

When did this start? I wonder how long it will take before it happens

lol I hope he sends it in a box made up of welded 1/2" steel plate

edit: but in the forums, the guy with the legal advice is right

it’s their word vs. M$… and I’m sure it says nowhere in the service agreement that their sending him back his original box. Sounds like he’s wasting his time

that kid sounds like an annoying shit.

I’m talking mack truck huge

newman, of course he’s annoying as shit. he plays video games. that increases the chances of being an annoying shit by 300%

Beaten. I was going to call him a doucher though.



I love how people like that always assume they can do something.

Wait, he’s pissed that they won’t send him a box? :violin:


i recieved a box to ship my 360 less then 2 weeks ago without a hassel

He was probably being a whiny bitch, no body likes a whiny bitch. :slight_smile: