The Blu-Ray/HD-DVD format war is now over.

. Or is it!

shouldn’t be.

i liked my minidisk player a lot expecially when they came out with a way to fit more on the disk than normal. i really didnt think it was that expensive either

minidisk wasn’t too expensive but memory stick is. Its like 4 times as much as SD, thats is a joke.

mini disk got replaced by mp3 players becoming the norm.


Wow…no one has anything to say when it isn’t bad news about Sony.

I hope they all get the hiv from John C holmes.

Maybe they’ve learned from their mistakes :gotme:

Time will tell.

Rumor has it that Sony “Bet the Farm” on this Blu Ray technology…if this doesn’t work than the company will likely colapse. Sony is hurting right now.

Its hard to believe that the company would fold due to this. They have business units that operate in areas that people don’t even know about. Until recently who knew they made batteries for pretty much everyone? (bad example since they started blowing up, but you get the point)

If a blu ray player was reasonably priced on release I’m sure they would do well…

If hd vs. blu ray woulda just made a conformity and had 1 technology they woulda done better imo. Competition can be good but for something like this people would rather have 1 system.

I’ll stick to DVD’s until a player is sub 300 for both HD/Blu Ray technology on the same drive

I agree, but this Blu-Ray is a HUGE investment into their future…if it flops, they may not have enoughto recover from it. Again, this was a rumor.

Aren’t they going as far as to lose money on selling their gaming stations just to get blu-ray out there? It’s not a small ammount they’re losing either based on %.

Yeah I have heard they are losing money as well. Again I find that hard to imagine, but I don’t think anyone from Sony has come out and refuted that.

In essence, the PS3 is a computer (for example the HD is not proprietary and can be replaced with any notebook HD) so it seems crazy that they still managed to spend reportedly $800 in materials on each 60GB system. Given Sony’s buying power and the fact that you can build a computer with similar components for less than $800 retail value, that would indicate that Blu-ray is ridiculously expensive to produce.