The California thread

For sure. I hate mornings enough as is, I would off myself somewhere on the 5 north and tie up traffic even worse for everyone.

It’s all about that remote life :slight_smile: I’m just bummed it’s been too cloudy and windy to work outside in my preferred spot lately. My WiFi just manages to extend to this bench.

It’s not that bad. I pick up 3-4 people in the Irvine area so I can ride in the carpool most of the way. For the job I have it’s worth it.

Body snatcher…

I work early as to avoid the commute. Dana Point to Irvine (20m~) takes me 25 min on average. Normally I work 7-4’s.

Working on that remote life, but honestly for my line of work I’d off myself if I was remote 5 days a week. it’d be like cabin fever. I work remote once a month or so and while nice, I can see getting super old, super quick.

I honestly think 1 day a week in the office would be perfect. Maybe 2. Enough to maintain all of your relationships, stay in the loop on the political stuff, and have your more important meetings in person if you coordinate properly. Especially with my company being on the East coast, I do lose a lot in that department. The cabin fever aspect is much better here living with roommates though. When I was in Buffalo in a house by myself and could literally go Mon-Thurs during the winter without seeing people if I didn’t make an effort I couldn’t take it any more.

Side note: The sabres are playing in Anaheim on Feb 24th and LA on the 27th. I’m going to both. Anyone plan on checking them out?

Sounds like you get it. There’s a balance there for sure.

I’ll be driving up to Mammoth that day, or else I’d go to that game. Maybe next one we can meet and grab a drink?

yo, i’m taking the fam to cali this month for a couple weeks

going to be trekking from san fran down the coast to LA too… any recommendations for cruises not to be missed? may end up staying one night along the way to break up the drive too.

So at the end of Feb I moved to Mission Viejo, right off of Crown Valley Parkway, <5 mins from the 5. Basically cut my commute in half. The gf still commutes to oceanside but it’s opposite of traffic so it’s not too bad. 45 mile commute, carpooling the whole way.

You are closer to me in Dana Point now.

GF is down in Carlsbad, I’m up in Irvine. 30-40 min range for both of us. Perfect middle ground in a great town.

ill be going to this tomorrow night if anyone else is bored

Moving to Camden in downtown long beach on the 23rd. Finally a reasonable commute!

ha nice.
I live at 3rd and Alamitos and work at 1st and Long Beach Blvd

Sweet. The place is way more expensive than we want but it’s really the only place that will let us have two 50+ lb dogs.

Envious of all the hispanic poontang down there.

Woot. 15 minute drive to work this morning!


I suppose we are obligated to hang out at some point LOL

really? ive seen some PHENOMINAL Mexican birds

Any goods ones with two number 5 soccer balls out back? :lol:

Got this yesterday.


Putas be locas.