The Caz 13th Annual Car Show pics

[quote=“Wadsworth Douchington IV,post:116,topic:29938"”]

duh, and i’m way hotter than your ugly girlfriend.


lol maybe…im sure someone would pick you up on any corner downtownlol


lol maybe…im sure someone would pick you up on any corner downtownlol


anyway, do you own one of those ugly POS cars in the pics, or just think they’re supercool?


lol maybe…im sure someone would pick you up on any corner downtownlol


He did get hollered at by some guys when he was wearing a wig once…but thats a different story all together.

[quote=“Wadsworth Douchington IV,post:122,topic:29938"”]

anyway, do you own one of those ugly POS cars in the pics, or just think they’re supercool?


no sir not me… true story. lucky for me i was unable to make it…

edit: i do think they’re super super cool, kinda like some very very very good friends of mine


He did get hollered at by some guys when he was wearing a wig once…but thats a different story all together.


i think that is one of the story’s that’s supposed to stay in the group of friends it started with lol

[quote=“Wadsworth Douchington IV,post:112,topic:29938"”]

it’s not my fault that i’m super cool.

(also, i buy my friends. Jarod’s only like $19.95 per supportive post)


He lets me take the Elise out

If your boy with the neon lets me drive it I’ll start supporting you, just make sure the kid in car seat is strapped in, i want to go FAST!


no sir not me… true story. lucky for me i was unable to make it…


lucky because…?


omg im so sorry…please please please forgive me. im really sorry i didnt meant that…lol again:2fingers: :2fingers: :2fingers: :2fingers: :2fingers: thank you and have a nice day


One day after I ban you I’m going to be really happy when I meet you in the parking lot.


One day after I ban you I’m going to be really happy when I meet you in the parking lot.


o is that a threat???:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

why has this thread been moved

Becasue its OT noob


o is that a threat???:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:


Why would you think that’s a threat? Do you have any reason to think that’s a threat? I’ve shaken every person’s hand anytime I’ve been out.

I’d even go as far as to shake yours.

First of all : Don’t speak when not spoken to, that comment was not directed at you, and if you read the guidelines you’d notice that there is a little thing known as a zero tolerance rule on threats.

Secondly : Offended? I’m not even involved in this situation. The only reason why I came in was to moderate this useless banter of a thread and to keep any foregoing threats from emerging.

And Lastly : Any normal administrator wouldn’t have given you a second thought than to ban you, but you’re not the brightest person as I can conclude from some of your posts, so I’ll give you a second chance and can assume you will be on your bestest behavior. Somehow, I think you’re going to think I’m going on my big powertrip again and you’re going to bitch and moan and attempt some form of mockery directed at me. Prove me wrong, and I, as well as the other mods, will let you stay.

oooh, now it’s in OT, so i can call you a fucking retard without fear of being banned.

you fucking retard.


I wouldn’t ban him, I’d just take away his emoticon privileges. He clearly is abusing them.

I personally like this kid, hes funny.


I wouldn’t ban him, I’d just take away his emoticon privileges. He clearly is abusing them.


they arent even fun smilies.


Why would you think that’s a threat? Do you have any reason to think that’s a threat? I’ve shaken every person’s hand anytime I’ve been out.

I’d even go as far as to shake yours.

First of all : Don’t speak when not spoken to, that comment was not directed at you, and if you read the guidelines you’d notice that there is a little thing known as a zero tolerance rule on threats.

Secondly : Offended? I’m not even involved in this situation. The only reason why I came in was to moderate this useless banter of a thread and to keep any foregoing threats from emerging.

And Lastly : Any normal administrator wouldn’t have given you a second thought than to ban you, but you’re not the brightest person as I can conclude from some of your posts, so I’ll give you a second chance and can assume you will be on your bestest behavior. Somehow, I think you’re going to think I’m going on my big powertrip again and you’re going to bitch and moan and attempt some form of mockery directed at me. Prove me wrong, and I, as well as the other mods, will let you stay.



ok i respect that, as you being the admin/ creator… i will honor those wishes but, under conditions of you locking this forum. As for newman i dont even want to get started again, so i will let your childish ways go. Finally, you people think im stupid and what not, im really not because of the fact that this is a computer i talk to and not the person, so i can care less on what everybody thinks about me, and if they seen me in person they wouldn’t be as bold as they’re behind the monitor…



ok i respect that, as you being the admin/ creator… i will honor those wishes but, under conditions of you locking this forum. As for newman i dont even want to get started again, so i will let your childish ways go. Finally, you people think im stupid and what not, im really not because of the fact that this is a computer i talk to and not the person, so i can care less on what everybody thinks about me, and if they seen me in person they wouldn’t be as bold as they’re behind the monitor…


let me guess you are a 17yr. know it all like your buddy speedped?


let me guess you are a 17yr. know it all like your buddy speedped?


no not really, i do not know him. But now i can see that you are one of those assholes that do not know when to quit, so grow up and act your age…


… and if they seen me in person they wouldn’t be as bold as they’re behind the monitor…


I’ll take that bet