the turbo was angry

yeah there could be a seal problem with the turbo. i may be entering sm faster than i wanted to. But my theory is when i reached 88mph on the straightaway i went back to when turbos didnt exist and mine started to uninvent itself…

lol! dude replace it with stock, STU is far too cool to leave for :gay: SM


But my theory is when i reached 88mph on the straightaway i went back to when turbos didnt exist and mine started to uninvent itself…




lol! dude replace it with stock, STU is far too cool to leave for :gay: SM



street mod breaks cars, don’t do it :stuck_out_tongue:

even if you upgraded your turbo i would petition to have your car stay in STU so we can have more cars :slight_smile:

stock turbos are proving to be just as dangerous to my car :slight_smile:

SM is gay, or maybe i just suck that bad. I cant beat the guys riding on slicks. Rob send me that video, would deff like to see.

keep your shorts on sassy pants ill get it soon.

if you were hitting 88mph on the straight you may need to double check the flux capacitor.

He was fresh out of plutonium - you can’t just pick that stuff up at the local corner store…

Maybe in 1985 you can, but not here, now in 1955!

Marty, I’m sorry. But the only power source capable of generating 1.21 gigawatts of electricity is a bolt of lightning.

A what?

What have i started?


wow… i fucking forgot how much winter sucks, we suck so bad when there are no more motorsports going on :frowning:

Ice Racing?

I WOULD BUT WE DON’T HAVE A CAR! :slight_smile:

edit: and im not racing the sti door to door on ice :slight_smile: