The Conundrum III : Twitter.

How the fuck is it popular?

I mean Srsly. Things like the popularity of Twitter makes me want to give up on society all together.

And if I hear one more person “Tweeting” he’s getting a…beating.


Correct answer gets +50 rep points as usual.

media hyped it up

i can honestly tell you that i have never ever been on or any clicked on any links to it. i dont even really know what it is. it probably sucks though

The company I work for uses Twitter, a lot.
Whenever we make software updates, a new release, etc.
And our CFO will regularly email the entire headquarters looking for notable “tweets”.
Profitable marketing strategy?

Hey, Twits…


In summary : You know the Facebook status update on what you’re doing?

It’s kind of like that, just without the whole Facebook aspect of it.


sounds like everything facebook is good for (not THAT much) minus everything facebook is good for, amirite?

its popular because in the United States of America peolpe are so fucking simple minded that posting there every little move on the world wide web excites them to the point of no return. they have to constantly be using there cellular devices. without them some would perrish.

Oh hai guise, I’m pewpin!

People are to lazy to actually read now a days. The shorter and simpler the better for our fat lazy country

prove it!

says the boy who weighs no more than his sisters cunt hair. :hug

Well, not really. Girls don’t poo. That’s why I haven’t responded to the TP thread.

im sure u shit long hot steamy fire when u get home.

nicole shuts the window shades, closes door to bathroom, sits on terlit and and feeds the bowl a hot steeming loaf of used chocolate goodness.

Because the general American public are all a bunch of self centered attention whores who think other people give a shit about what they are doing.

Congratulations Twitter, you turned the away message into a website.

retarded giraffes like kramer were manipulated into using it

I have never visited the site, never will, I think it’s stupid as fuck.

I signed up when twitter launched…

Dident see the point in it as facebook has status updates…

havent been to it since…

It’s probably popular because of the whole “Pop & Celebrity” deal. I’ve noticed a lot of celebrities talk about being on it and “tweeting”:gay2
Maybe the public wants to be connected with the Pop Culture :gay2 :gay2

^What she said
Because of the American public’s obsession with celebs

Easier to stalk?