Why Twitter is the Devil



still never been to twitter.com, now I have one more reason not to

Twitter’s so weird. Why the hell are half of all of the twats in goofy characters?

meh I like twitter

i have one status on twitter, or… tweet… i think they’re called

How does the website know all of the addresses?

EDIT: and do people randomly just tell twitter “I’m at…” for crap like “Parking Garage G” Really? Do they just walk around all day telling twitter exactly where they are, no matter how dull?

I didn’t read the whole article but a friend from England said that insurance companies are denying home owners coverage to people on twitter, etc.

I’ve never twatted anything. :tif:

But it is handy for knowing when a Consumers taps a new keg. Sheridan has Alta Gracia Coffee Porter on tap. :homer: