Buffalo: F@!K YEAh!

Buffalo on the map again - rudest place in America!

Maybe this is why I still don’t like Twitter… WNY has a higher number of assholes on Twitter than anywhere else.

pshh twitter /= Society. Plus how many of those were jokes. Hey if you don’t like buffalo #FuckYou

It was probably "Fuck You ___________ " Fill in buffalo sports team or athlete.

What a ridiculous fucking article…who the fuck uses this faggot twotter shit anyways?

And how much government funding was given for this “study?”

really you use twitter as the basis for your research…

I couldn’t agree with you any more.

Lots of people :lol:

it’s a pretty insignificant article, but it’s still funny

This social networking shit is getting out of control…

Any time there is a thread that mentions twitter I just wonder how far I have to scroll before you make a variation of this comment. Usually with a joking misspelling of “twitter” that several kids in middle school also came up with.

Oh, and here’s the obligatory: “social networking is so fucked up”.

Next up, a comment about how if you want to talk to someone, you call them.

“social networking” has peaked. Facebook is basically just for posting and commenting on photos at this point…which I like. The rest is just noise. Twitter is good because it is simple, but most people don’t have anything interesting to say.

Twitter is how I find out about famous people dying…amongst other things.

Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook all serve a purpose a lot of people don’t understand them so they talk shit.

Its a Lotus thing, you wouldn’t understand.

^IN here that means Lotus notes, or Lotus 123…Not sure if referring to the car or the software.

It is actually really accurate in predicting things and getting a graph of options and feelings on certain topics.

Car, lol.

probably a part of that
