The Daily Operation: '92 BMW 325i (E36)

I splurged on suspension because it is probably the most important part of the car to me, assuming the car is in pretty good shape already and has no major issues.

Let’s say spending time in a race ready sprint kart, I routinely experience being completely connected to the road with absolutely direct steering, and although I know that’s hard to get to in a street car, it’s nice to try and get that “feel”.

I equate it to owning a really nice show car with mint exterior, honeys drooling over it, the whole nine. Once you have done that, it’s tough to go out with a ratty POS. Well, someone tell me, I’ve never had a car with a show worthy exterior…

Things definitely got worse in the past couple of months. Likely a combination of tires / suspension / subframe issues, etc.

I’ll see if I can pass tech with these SPCs, if I have an issue I’ll let you know. Diff bolt was fine, no issues at all. Previous owner probably was kind to the car.

As for body, appreciate the offer- will let you know, but don’t hold your breath for me to do body work anytime soon…