The Dangers of UAV's - Afghanistan edition

Imagine rumbling along in your massive C-130 over Afghanistan, when KABOOM, a UAV slams into your wing and tears a big chunk out if it.

can’t tell you how many times that’s happened to me in BF2

Maybe the C130 hit the UAV. Pilot error?

Ha that just made my morning

Imagine if it was a Reaper instead of a RQ7…


hahahahaha… I did it like 2 nights ago

Hahahahahaha +1

Good to see you are still kickin ILC :slight_smile:

Who the fuck is this ILC queer?


c-130s have whats called TCAS (traffic collision avoidance system) everything sends out a signal or supposed to while in the air. The RQ7 was not. They never saw it coming.

Yea its not often you survive a mid air. Thankfully it was an RQ7

yep still kicking ready to come home though

lol seacrest is back!

At least it missed the fuel pod… mostly.

would have been much more prefered if it hit the external tank. just drop it off and toss it in the back. hitting the wing stresses a lot of the structures

This was not the photo I was expecting when opening this thread…