The Dark Knight Movie

I thought so.

Though much of the voice effect is Bale’s own doing, under the guidance of director Christopher Nolan and supervising sound editor Richard King, the frequency of his Batman voice was modulated to exaggerate the effect.

I saw this movie tonight (again) but this time on the IMAX,made it 1000x better IMO,soooo much better A/V quality :tup:

Best part…it was free! Thanks Jack FM.:ohyeah:

I cant wait to see it again on Imax.
Johnny Depp as the Riddler would be sick.

OMG yes! Johnny Depp is good in just about anything. Did anyone else see the Phillip Seymour Hoffman speculation as the Penguin? I totally called it.

i would like to share this anecdote about my experience going to see the movie:

i went with my girlfriend, her best friend, and one of my coworkers in a double date scenario. we went the first weekend it came out at the galleria regal. it was apparently sold out, and another couple came up behind us right after we figured out what was up. this couple happened to be of african american descent, the four of us being caucasion.

i would like to share this anecdote about my experience going to see the movie:

i went with my girlfriend, her best friend, and one of my coworkers in a double date scenario. we went the first weekend it came out at the galleria regal. it was apparently sold out, and another couple came up behind us right after we figured out what was up. this couple happened to be of african american descent, the four of us being caucasion.

they come up behind us and ask us if the movie is sold out.
my girlfriend’s friend’s reply: “are you here to see the black night?”
them: “ummmm, the dark night?”
her: “yeah… the dark night.”
awkward silence.
me grabbing my girlfriend and hiding behind the pillar.

Its gonna be the #1 box office movie of all time. And like I said before Two Face IS DEAD

hahaha excellent

late to the train, but i saw this movie yesterday, took my dad.

everyone who loved it is a total fucking fggt. Everytime all this hype surrounds anything there is always this little part of me that actually has faith in humanity and think that maybe there is a chance that the hype is real, maybe this movie is decent… maybe they got it right.

then you read all these reviews and everyone and their father’s pet dog has nothing but amazing things to say about it. People change their facebook status’s and MSN titles to “OMG DARK KNIGHT KILLS”, they buy Dark Knight memorabilia… Yahoo, Windows Live they all have interesting semi-related to Dark Knight stories playing on your hotmail homepage… “Who’s the best batman?”… “what does Christian Bale eat for dinner?”… “what do his balls taste like?”

then someone with more than half a brain walks in and sees it… i’ve heard only two people give this movie less than perfect reviews. My brother and my buddy’s friend who is an apparent comic book aficianado… so i still held out thinking that maybe it didnt suck.

but nope…it sucked.

worst still is that Christoher Nolan, who did make a good movie once, uses all the typical Hollywood ploys to hyper-confuse you fucking morons into accepting the most rediculous shit as something that should sort of resemble a story line.

The pace of the movie is such that you don’t even get 15 seconds to sit there and think… “WTF was that shit?” before the Joker has you off to the other side of the city fucking with the other subplot… so you’re sitting there “oh okay, i guess that must have made sense, what’s happening now?”…

the stuff that didnt suck… they obviously paid some decent writers to write some, not all, of the dialogue but you can tell how hard they are trying in alot of scenes… especially with the Joker’s soliloquy’s. Very laboured at times. In the hospital in particular.

Now, whether a movie exists in the middle of a series is irrelevant, there must be logical and reasonable transition between segments and some degree of closure or acceptance from a series of segments or the feature as a whole… this movie doesnt do that, it doesnt even try and it’s arrogant in that it knows you’ll pay to see it and rent the video whether it does or not.

Every action scene was a let down, every fight scene was even worse. I think it’s because you / me / we just don’t give a shit about batman. dude in a suit, fuck you. you care more about gary oldman and michael caine for some reason. Like in the Bourne movies when Matt Damon is fucking up the dude in a totally badass fight scene you’re on the edge of your seat like “SHIT YEAH DAMON AIN’T NO PUSSY… FUCK THAT SHIT UP YO!!”

but when batman is yelling all raspy and throwing Heath around i’m totally disinterested. I just want to see what happens next really. Where as i would much rather skip the conclusion of the Bourne movies and just watch another 20 minutes of the fight scenes.

Fuck, i am sure most people want the Joker to win anyways… shows how good a job Bale is doing vs. Ledger. Btw, Ledger was solid, no doubt, but so was Nicholson which leads me to beleive it’s the role itself that is awesome and then the fact that by comparison it’s hard not to suck around batman. I want Bale to fight without the costume and the voice.

anyways… fuck batman.

it was better than batman begins though… that shit was horrid. I rented it a few weeks ago to get caught up… i rolled my eyes 5 minutes in and couldnt pay attention afterwards. One of the silliest and stupidest movies in recent memory. Mind you i dont watch too many anymore because they all pretty much suck these days.

I appreciate your elaboration, but what’s an example of a good action movie, besides the Bourne trilogy?

Example of a good drama?

Just wondering what meets and surpasses your standards?

pure action movies?

the first die hard, T2, the borne’s are good, great by post 2000 standards, but a good director / writer will be able to avoid the use of flashback and specific dialogue as a revealing tool like they do on TV because there are too many episodes for each of them to be awesome.

for drama’s… the usual stuff… shawshank, first two godfathers will make you forget about humanity for 2.5 hours each.

my gf calls me a fggt bc i cry at the end of shawshank, always

i think that the end of that movie is one of the very few times it is acceptable for a man to cry

and all the die hards were awesome, 2 being the least awesome of them all. as crazy and overdone as 4 was, it was still good, better than 2 imho

New trailer is out,looks awesome!!

if you have issues watching,go through itunes and download it.

I can’t wait for this movie. Chris Nolan is the man. :tup:

LOL @bing


So pumped for this movie.

had several friends in as extras in the stadium…it was great watching them film throughout the summer in the city. got to see the batmobile a bunch of times and snow in the streets in july

stupid quick time, im not downloading that shti