The Dark Knight Movie

so who are the villains? I dont recognize any of them

Seriously … Cat woman was in year two of the batman comic but fucking jumping right to bane? … How are you going to get it so right and then completely fuck it up.

Catwoman and Bane.

Also just read the charter for Bane and they fucked him up too. an anesthetic breathing apparatus for pain…

If they open it up with Batmans original addiction to the same venom Bane uses for his strength it should help the story.

Wow that movie looks soo bad watching the trailer.

Can’t wait for this. Looks amazing. Anyone see the prologue? It’s insane.

New Trailer. :bigtup:

Looks awesome…I still hate Anne Hathaway

Quoted for truth.

Honestly doesn’t look as good as the others, but I will see it fa sho.

Caught the 8AM at Regal,lived up to the expectations :tup:

IMAX that early was 3/4 full,lulz.

yeah so… saw this with Josh tonight. it was excellent, exceeded expectations.

fight scenes were meh but the story, drama, twists and dialogue were all very engaging. I really liked how they kept imperfect speech and there was some great humour in it too.

i liked it better than the last one even though Bain was no Heath Ledger.


She does have nice speedbumps though.

Check out YaYa Han’s catwoman costume from Comic Con…(Semi-NSFW)

Worth the click :slight_smile: