The Dark Knight Movie

IMAX sucks. Sorry

saw it last nite, the joker is my new hero, and also my work wallpaper, freakin people OUT

Saw it last night also.

Great movie for sure. Plenty of twists. Long movie, that felt so much shorter than it was.

wicked movie

lots of sweet previews for other movies too…

opinions vary, its cool

he wasnt breathing on the ground. Pretty sure he was dead.

he wasnt breathing on the ground. Pretty sure he was dead.

LOL yea, to each their own. It just seems to me if you’re not in the top couple rows you’re in for a neck/headache

agreed for imax, i only go see 3d short movies there, the screen is far too big to follow action movies.
Finally saw it and yes i still believe my comments.

Ya, I’m also pretty sure he died. I really doubt they would bring a villain back from the dead between films. Just seems a bit too cheesy. He served his purpose for the Dark Knight film.

damn, that was long. but good.


just got back from watching it. i’m not really into these kinds of movies but it was actually really good.

Not really though, he is a significant batman character and one that fits with the theme of the newer ones really well. I doubt you will see the last of him.

Christian Bale Arrested - The Batman actor has been arrested for an alleged assault on his mother and sister


HAHAHAHA maybe he lived long enough to see himself become the villian.


LOL “Tada! IT’s… magical…”