The DaVinci Code. 5/19

you mean cilice. :wink:

meh… it was good… .they added somethings and took out some things… i would have definatly done some parts different…

but overall - it was worth the 2 hours… but the book was better :redface:

i can honestly say ive NEVER EVER said a movie was better than the book…


so you think this movie is better than the book or do you agree ?

saw it tonite, i wish they had cast Silas using a larger actor, in the book i imagined him a much bigger guy.

no, i agree completely…im saying the book is always better than the movie…ive never said i liked the movie version better than the book version of anything…


seriously though, i cant think of a single one…going through my bookshelves, none of the movies are close to the books:

ANYTHING tom clancy (red october, patriot games), all of the jurassic parks, harry potters, even lord of the rings…although the lord of the rings movies did fucking kick ass…

but the books were still better :wink:

The books are always better because there are bits and pieces that are open up to your interpretation. Plus they have to keep the movie moving along at a good clip so alot of stuff tends to get cut out. I wanted to see this tonight but the 815 and 845 shows were sold out! Went to see Poseidon instead and it wasnt bad even though Fergie didnt get naked :mad: Also ran into audios and La Fengus :tup:

I saw it last night…I thought it was interesting but knowing how way off based some of their ideas were going to be…it wasn’t a disappointment.

Did’nt rerad the book. Saw the movie though…It was pretty decent from a movie aspect. I was raised christian so ofcorse my mom was pissed I went to see it…but meh, its just a story. It has no truth to it. It was kinda like National Treasure, or at least that (mystery) mindset.

i want to see this movie so bad, ive been catching bits and peices of the research on the possibility of it being true on the history channel.

history channel FTW btw

I don’t believe it one bit. The book was written by an English teacher…not a historian. Also, in the book/film, the “Opus dai” within the church is a bunch of conspiracy keeping murdurers. The “Opus Dai” (sp) are a real organization, but nothin like what they are portraid as in the book/film. They are just a religious sect inside the Catholic church. Waching the film/reading the book to base you views on christianity would be like waching the movie Ice Age to base your views on dinosaurs.

I thought it was good, stayed very true to book (without going into incredibly loong movie territory). It’s hard to do a movie like this because if you stay too close to storyline people get pissed because there was no difference, and if you change something they get pissed because you changed it. I did feel the part at the end when they sat outside and talked was weaksauce…

Its a Fiction book made up by a guy JUST LIKE the bible.

I enjoyed the movie

Movie was really good, and followed the book well, but the book has so many more details. It’s probably the best book I’ve read, u really cant put it down. It’s definitely worth reading too b/c the details are the interesting things, of course like someone said if they included all that it would be a 4 hour movie. Who cares if its true or not tho, the book is a fiction novel. I love the controversy tho, all these Catholics and Christians are butt hurt by the book, im catholic too but the books is fiction so just remember that, could be true, i highly doubt it… hell of a story tho.

Or evolution…i love how you people cant accept that there is a god, yet you are willing to believe that our entire existance came from cosmic dust…all the millions of species of animals, the millions of plants, everything…just grew out of nowhere…but there can not be a god, because that is just too out there. The hypocracy is amazing.

Sophie’s bra was just amazing. It provided her support for a solid 52 hours!

nah… if you get a chance, rent/download “cracking davinci’s code” and “unlocking the davinci code”. Alot of what Brown portrays to be true (he even says it’s true in the prolog) turns out to be proven to be false. (for example, the “cult” that sophies grandfather belonged to, which is the entire basis for the book)… I was actually a little disappointed, but it’s still a hell of a book :tup:

read it in a few days lol (you really cant put it down). Still waiting to go see the movie… maybe tuesday I’ll go (I dont want to get harassed by protestors though lol)