the destruction of a SHO

OH GOD who would do such a thing… MONSTERS!!! :cry:

god loves ugly, but obv draws the line at SHOs

did that video make you shed a tear

they should’ve blown it up with sticks of dynamite or something


i think they should do that to every torrass sho especially boosted green ones, hahahaha


I wish I had a backhoe.

That poor 1st gen, it was so ugly. That was at least $500 worth of damage right there. :cry:

discontinued front and rear bumpers 150 each. timing chain tentioners $75 each (2) intake $50 I could go on.

he almost destroyed his equipment by driving up the bucket at one point.

HAHAHAHA that was amazing. I love the bit where he turns the bucket and hammers on the engine continually.

yeah yeah

you’re just mad cause it was too cool for words :tup: