ok so i’ve had numerous negative experiences with this kidd
he talks shit
he acts brave
he acts up
so its time he was put in his place
currently he doesnt own a vehicle but brings talks to me that his “something in 300s hp” car is going to merk my ‘nimbus’.
although i am positive anything he brings me that has his name on the ownership other than his 21-speed mountain bike will take my ‘nimbus’ i am going to the extra effort of embarhassing him by building my new project which i will call, the DJKRYSTALFX DREAM KILLER.
i will build the car from the car which he flaked on buying from me causing me to loose my job at Golftown.
here are my plans,
-put back on my silvia front
-rip out the possibly still good KA
-throw in an RB25
thats all my plan for the end of the year, next year we’ll wait n see

ill make this beast more ridiculous than any worthless shithole this kidd brings me.


lmfaooo yooo broo, i had a big time bad experience with this kid tooo, talks wayy to much shyttt, and especially boasts alot, Good luck on the project, im backing you up 120% usually im not bout tlking shyt on ppl but this kid pushes it past the max, especially with the lies, he sent me pics of his 240 when i was thinking about buying his and i go there to check it out, nothing what i expected, completly a turnaround lmfao the thing puffed Pure white smoke and thing was torn apart especially his very nice spray painted hood that looked lyk crap lmao. Good luck on the project though. eZ.

Who are you and what the fuck are you talking about?

member on son named ‘djkrystalfx’

why don’t you guys meet up, put on a pair of boxing gloves and go at it?
Instead of on the net planning a merk race against one another. this will lead to street racing which is a no-no.
but yeah this kid is a talker, added me just to talk about how he bought nellys old orange car and how awesomely rusted it was.


I say let this kid talk his shit, get him to post a picture of his supposed ride and we can all laugh at it when he tries to be “Mr Bigshit” and we see his “ride” rolling behind a hook!

ill throw some bones…
whos got a ring???

Your doing the same thing right now bud.

You have no place at SON either and you wanna put people in there place?

Have you never been chirped before? Grow up everyone talks shit about other cars. Building a car to “embarhass”(sp wtf?) him is the stupidest thing I have ever heard, leave now.

Short and sweet just the way it should be…

Golftown, nice. Everyone has cicumstances, issues and other things that can lead to people backing out don’t act like you’ve never done/thought about it…

Ya I was gonna go KA-T at the end of this year to…we’ll see next year

Doesn’t that make you forget all about your 3" dick?


I hate this sob, what ever, talk and do what you do man ive had enough of your shit for this weekend. Hope you put all your money into it and street race and get your license taken away. Then you can ride the TTC you frigen faget. Im done. Oh and BlazinBLue Lmfao this kid wanted to trade a 10$ equaliser for a 240sx with sideskirts and front lip worth i guess about a nice 300$ atleast. And dog what do you expect for a fucking 100$ car. Holy Shit what did U FUKN EXPECT a BU FUKN GOTTI

Oh forgot to mention one last thing LMFAO. Oh ye remember googler needed the car off his drive way ASAP well now he’s keeping it LMFAO what a bser trying to rob a 16 year old what fukn creep does that. Only u and nelly. Oh and by the way my DJ name is now DJ INFINIT you might aswell change it.

lol honestly watever bout your DJ name i checked this thread this guy had on a DJ forum and he was getting ripped about his beats n mixes like it was all done on virtual dj. yeah i wanted to get the car off my lot before but now im gunn part it.

This is the gayest thing I’ve ever read on SON. Both these clowns should be fucking banned for lowering the standard of trash that we normally see here.

haha fuck man i apologize to all those who read this shit…
i hit took a good laugh at it myself fuck close this if possible (Y)

This is the last thing im saying im done with this clown now you can go ahead and run your mouth.

Be done with SON.

Hey that rhymed!

Be done with SON.

That rhymed :slight_smile:

pureEurom3 ur my hero wait WHY isn`t this in the drama section???

I love reading this section on Monday morning, this is awesome.