The E30 GTR.

i would like to scoope this car up. if it doesnt sell by the time i come home from overseas i may have to pick her up.




$23,500 OBO.

I want to buy it just so I can say, “here’s a thing I paid for”. :smiley:

will I become internet famous if I buy it?

The answer to both is yes.

Anyway, here’s what I’ve written elsewhere, but I wouldn’t sell to anyone local.

I had this listed for sale in 2012. Then I took it to Ocean City at H2Oi and had a blast and decided I didn’t want to sell it. I had some real interest in it and turned down a few offers. Flash forward 2 years. I’ve only driven it 5 times since H2Oi. It’s sad really, I just don’t use it. I guess the appeal for me is BUILDING things, not using them (I’ve built several motorcycles since then, though I do use them a lot). I’ve decided I could use the space in my garage, and use the money to get into another motorcycle build.

I’m not local… but this would never fly with my wife. GLWS man. I hope it goes to a good home.

I want it… real bad.

Post it on Craigslist, you’re bound to only get serious offers on there. Should sell quick on there.

I would love to have this thing though :confused:

put it on

It’s 250 bucks to list it there. I’ll give it some time on the forums first.

keep it, your going to regret selling it

no, post it to craigslist or ebay, then have somebody else mention it to BAT and they’ll put it up as a story.

i know that feel


I’m not sure he’s ever really regretted selling a car…

Yeah. I don’t put much sentimental value on stuff. I certainly don’t regret selling any of my past cars. Obviously this one has a lot more “me” in it, but I’ve found it much more rewarding to build motorcycle stuff.

If anyone would like to do this, it would be nice. Thanks. 5 viewed per hour.

I wonder what the view to bid ratio will be, lol.

      • Updated - - -

Actually I didn’t notice you had this as buy it now. Should have started the bidding at $1 and generated social media hype!