The Fast and the Delirious

looks like new 370z and dumb ass driving

Omg how does this happen prob just got his licence

what a moron

sooo sick. poor people though ;(

dayum they look good in white

wow… sucks to be him driving dadys car and wreking it

HAHAHA so funny. I feel bad for the people tho

holy shit!!!

and that’s why you don’t try and show off n’ pull that shit at meets. Looks like he might have killed someone, like pinned them against the wall when he hit.

Hahahahahahahaha, the skid master

omg…some one please give him a gun…

Suicide is easier than dealing with the aftermath.

wow…what a lil shit.

thats so messed… such a screw up

thats not even cool. could have killed his friends