The Gov't summed up by George

He will always be the man.

Still better then just about every other country.

At least here they hide behind a veil, where as elsewhere it’s out in the open.

With that said, I agree with him, and I’ve always found it hilarious when people get all heated up about “their” party. It’s all the same shit with different badges. Both parties had their chance plenty of times for the last century but when was the last time things were done “right” and people were happy?

As I read that, I could hear his infliction in my head how he would say it. i miss that guy.

The last time it was done right? Never from what i can see from the 28 years I lived on this planet.

I like that joke about pissing in the urinal and not washing his hands… Some guy said to him “Hey where I went to school, they taught me to wash my hands after I went to the bathroom”… George replied “Yeah well where I went to school they taught me not to piss all over my hands”

That guy was a genius. 100%

Same. :bowdown

Find it interesting that this would be getting posted on here and received positively

How so?

Ok… vlad, what do you think the American dream is?

Let me see if you agree with what I think the American dream is, supposedly.

Since my 11th grade English class was pretty much based on the American dream, reading such books as The Great Gatsby and Death of a Salesman. I think it is the idea that if you work hard enough, you can achieve whatever you want in America.

Found it.

FUCK. YES. Great post and +rep if I can.

If every hard working guy I knew could achieve his dreams there would be a lot of millionaires running around.

Fact is you won’t be able to achieve your dreams 95% of the time working for any sort of company no matter how hard you work. In this day and age you’ll just be glad to retire without being laid off.

People who achieve the American dream work for themselves. Why? Because they don’t have companys holding them down. The only thing against them, is the goverment and lobby groups which is how companies make sure you’re not a threat even if you’re not working for them.

If you’re not with them, you’re against them.

Woahh… your way ahead. I’m talking about the concept, not the realities. My point is, Carlin basically says that the American dream is bull shit when he says you have to be asleep to see it. Which is contrary to what a lot people think on this forum. Obviously you can’t have 300,000,000 millionaires… but could you have that many people earn $75,000-$100,000 a year, if everyone was a hard worker? I doubt it.

The problem with the American Dream is that everyone thinks they’ll achieve it, or worse, they’re entitled to it. It’s called a dream for a reason. Like Murrdog said, you can’t have 300M millionaires.

But Carlin rules. And is right to a degree. $.02.

Carlin, while toward the bitter end, was a very bitter man. It’s scary how much of his material I agree with. Probably an unhealthy level.

I think Carlin makes a lot of sense. My freshman year of college I was in a class about American social issues and I had a book that would take an issue and look at both sides of it. One of the issues were public schools vs private school. It was interesting because the argument was that public schools were are to basically train people to deal with boredom and prepare them for a life of monotony whereas private schools groomed there students to lead.

this was the book

unfortunetly there is a lot of truth in all of his material. If you look at the evolution of American society since world war 2 you see a constant erroision of quality for middle and lower class people. As well as the demographic shrinking and the gaps between the haves and have nots growing larger and larger. just my 2 cents

see my sig.

Bingo. I’d place a safe bet that 85% of this countries population thinks on this level with even small things, like having a drivers license, let alone the “american dream”.

Not everyone will make it big. You can have the talent and skills, stars can align, and know all the right people but if you don’t get off your ass and make that first step to doing it all on your own you’ll never see it come to light.

Or you can just be some fat fuck waste of a citizenship of this county that has ten kids collecting welfare on our dime while gallantly spending the weekly check on lotto tickets and somehow manages to pick the fucking number right winning millions(only to lose it all at age 36 when the emotionally deprived sociopath serial killer of an adolescent son you failed to raise sticks a butchers knife in your gut a dozen times in retaliation to force-feedings of dollar menu specials and cheap Wan-hoo brand oreo cookie knockoffs)
