The Health Care Plan you didnt know...

thank you


I do not completly agree with the title of this video BUT His speech says it all JFK is the MAN

So how exactly does this help us besides forcing everyone to get insurance? Are premiums going to decrease? And if they are going to is it enough to offset the tax hike thats going to happen because of it? This just seems like another way for the government to take control of a private sector and reap the benefits of one of the most profitable businesses in the world today.

Premiums are not going to decrease because as of this month they are going up another 5 dollars for copay and of course decreasing benefits.

Just get a job with healthcare. Or stay in school and pay for your own insurance.

Why wouldn’t you want to pay for healthcare, anyway? Do you not value your own well being?


Edit: Nm.

I don’t believe that requiring health ins is going to fix our health care system at all. It’s only gogin to make doctors and hospitals more money while making things less and less affordable for others. I’m not talking about those that don’t work. ever consider the guy in the dealership BUSTING HIS FUCKING BALLS to feed his kids / family and paying out the ass for health insurance? Shit like this is only going to make rates go up for EVERYONE.

i bust my cock for what i got my health ins for my 2 boys and myself are almost 700 a month ,now take into facter my oldest has problems my ins dont pay all of thats more money needed

exactly, thank you.

what are you guys talking about cossey and the government must know whats better for you than you do…


I said it could help. Please learn to read before you try to bash me again.

Coss I dont think he was bashing you just pokin at ya…This place is full of bashes BUT you can tell sometimes when things are in good fun. This topic is important to all of us and you know that. It’s not like what you are saying isnt true about all of us having health care, school and a decent job/job…

We have given the government to much power at this point.

They should never have been allowed to bail out ANY companies, or individuals. Let capitalism do its thing. The companies who fucked up will drown while, stronger, more efficient companies rise from the ashes. Instead we have enabled dumb thinking and taken away the one thing that matters most, taking responsibility.

This trend led to the health-care bill. The government now has the power to tell us what to do, since we took handouts from them. Being forced to buy ANYTHING from the government in unconstitutional. If this clause is included people WILL rebel. There is no doubt in my mind.

In a capitalist society government would have NO role in business other than regulation, to a degree. We have moved far from that by allowing them to push forward with the healthcare bill.

Do the math: They are selling insurance to compete with private business. They will offer it “cheaper” at OUR expense, pushing doctors and hospitals to the brink. There are roughly 20 to 40 million uninsured people in the country. If they FORCE us to buy it, we will have no choice to go with the govn’t plan because it is the cheapest. They are basically saying if you don’t buy our insurance, we are going to send you to jail!!!

How would you feel if I told you that you have to use MY computer services or I am going to bill you $10,000 that you HAVE to pay me or I will put a lein on everything you own? You would be pissed. Well, the EXACT same thing is happening here.

Fucking joke.