The High-Def Battle

We’ll see…The move by Blockbuster to only support Blu-Ray is huge for Sony…Will NetFlix support HD- -DVD? I’m still hoping HD DVD comes out on top…Although the future looks very bleak…

wait didn’t block buster also support Beta max??? and that flopped. So it might turn out like Beta did and HD-DVD may come out on top. not a fan of what sony does except for the Playstation that’s one thing I like from them.

well blu ray had been kicking hddvd’s ass since it came out…

I really think sony finally made the right format

i feel sorry for all the ppl that bought the hd dvd drives for there 360’s


i don’t think that because blockbuster chose blu ray means much of anything… won’t it all come down to the movies produced on the format? i don’t really have a preference yet, because i don’t have a player… i think that the ps3 obviously pushes the media…

hollywood video is going to rent both… and i know netflix was renting both… so i guess we still have a while to wait out to see the winner…

x2 that the ps3 is pushing the media…

im still standing behind my answer to thinking blu ray is going to win.

I’ve seen charts and its been out selling hddvd 10 to 1 every week

Dragging this post back from the dead, now that Dreamworks and Paramount have decided to ditch Blu Ray in favor of HD DVD. Wonder if this will change Blockbuster’s mind…
This is a big win for those of us with xBox!
Death to Blu Ray!

no death to blu ray. hell… I’d like both formats…

I just think blu ray is out selling

sony should just make game console’s. Every other product from Sony fucking blows. Their stereo’s are shit, their tv’s suck, and camera’s aren’t that great and are expensive, and their track record of trying to force the market to use their products isn’t good at all. fuck sony

microsoft owns you, just give in and don’t fight it. :D:D:D

blu-ray sucks. nobody wants to pay $40 for a dvd

they are usually 25-35

& cheaper if you get them used like i do.

the quality is noticable espeically with animated movies.

& HD-DVD’s are the same price so if the price is your problem then they both suck

you can really make some retarded comments.

I guess the creation of the walkman & the CD player (co created with phillips)
were some real shitty stuff the forced us to use.

IMO Sony TV’s are at the top of the market…espically when comparing overall perfoamnce, picture, sound, etc…

and remember…they do have higher end stuff…they stuff you see & bestbuy & CC are just the lower to mid level sony stuff

every single piece of sony equipment I have ever had has broke well before it should have. The quality of their products is shitty at best. Maybe you have had better luck with their stuff, but I think it’s shitty and will never buy another sony product.

I just picked up 300 on bluray for 19.99… So I dunno what your talkin about.
I’ve seen alot of new release blurays going for 20 bucks

I am a big Sony fan. My famiily has several Sony Wega televisions, DVD players and a PS2. Every one of them has been flawless compared to the JVC, Magnavox and RCA items we have. I am planning on getting a PS3 in the next couple months, so my vote is going towards BluRay.

(And yes I know that their car audio sucks.)


1: I don’t care which format wins.

2: Sony doesn’t have the same advantage over their competitors in terms of product quality that they had in the 80s. I’ve seen LG tvs that have a better picture than much higher dollar Sonys.

I hope HD-DVD wins out just so I can save a few bucks down the road on a player (just buy the add-on for my 360). But realistically I foresee a dual format option emerging. Same thing happened with DVD-R and DVD+R in the past. Most people don’t even know there is a difference, although it is much less signifigant difference than Bluray and HD-DVD is. My best guess is that the players will be dual format. NEC, Samsung, and LG are already working on them. Then hopefully the discs come with HD-DVD on one side and bluray on the other. But most likely the big movie companies will stick with who ever pays them off the most. Then its just a matter of what format plays when you pop in your disc.

the thing is overall performance…

so when its a TV we’re talking more then just the picture…sound, available hookups, menu options for picture & sound, etc…
for instance some hitachi’s have as good or slightly better picture, but then sony kills it when you compare the sound…so its all in what your looking for

& some don’t realize that there are different models… grand wega, Bravia, XBR, etc… some better then others

i only use the TV for video. I have a box that all of my shit plugs into and then sends the video to the TV and the audio to my stereo.

If a person is using the TV for their sound output then they’re prolly not really caring much about a true theater experience anyhow.
TV’s aren’t for sound; stand alone amps and speakers are. All I want out of a TV is a great picture and a few DVI or HDMI (even though I don’t need the sound of HDMI) inputs. Sound is going optic to a completely separate amp.