The High-Def Battle

my friend got a bravia 42" 720P tv a few months ago. He paid over $2000 for it. At that time for the price, he could have gotten a 52" 1080P tv that looks a whole lot better. The tv is nice, but I have seen much better for less money. Sony FTL

this is the sony i bought 4 months ago

i got it on sale and paid 1400 for it. when i was looking for tvs it was between sony and Toshiba

I have seen a lot of tvs and i personally love this one. also i got for a bedroom. my next tv might be a plasma for the living room 50+ inches

I’m just going to go ahead and say this:

BlueRay = This generation’s Betamax.

We all know what happend to Betamax…

i’m going to sit back & watch you all ride HD-DVD’s/microsofts nuts

& be the i told you so…later.

like ive said before
personally i think they will both be around…
if PSP movies(which have a smaller market) can survive both those can too

How can people even vote for HD DVD. The format is garbage and the selection is even worse.

Sony already flooded the market with BR systems and as prices go down on them the sales for the DVD’s will go up even more.

And as it goes for titles, almost every single commercial i see advertises NEW titles in BR as HD keeps releasing movies from a year to 5 years ago… Thats not what people wanna spend $34.00 on.

I personally would not care as long as one finally knocks the other out. I hope that Blu Ray wins finally so i can go buy my BR burner and start burning them instead of the normal DVD’s (which will be so nice since blockbuster will send them through the mail to me :slight_smile: ).

I know they are new to the market but i think that they are WAY over priced at like $35.00 and the blank discs are like $22.00 WOW I guess its like the LCD and Plasma TV’s in a couple years DVD’s will be the thing of the past and 40" LCD’s will be $400.00

blue ray ftw!