The I am not in a sober state of mind thread

Now before you go and start posting incriminating (and illegal) information, I would like to add that I am not sober, (sober being defined as not legally able to drive a car) however having consumed the recommended dosage of nyquil for my cold I have become hi[COLOR=LemonChiffon]g[/COLOR]h in a perfectly legal way. :lol

School paper to follow:number1

Sounds as if you have a good time coming up :lol
After consuming 10 beers and 8 shots of Bacardi 151 Saturday night I returned to my dorm and attempted to write my Intro to Engineering Design paper. To say the least, it was an entertaining read yesterday morning when I woke up :rofl

haha. I won’t have time to read it when I wake up, so I just have to make it extra good tonight so that I don’t have to edit it to pass mediocrity standards :wink:

Man fuck this paper; only 1/3 of the way FINISHED.

That is nothing. Went down to see my sister this last weekend. Got abs wrecked off of tequilla and soco. Apparently while we were at the bar, I told my family how I wanted to try exctasy and shrooms (of which I dont remember), ended up going to the mens room only to stand in the stall staring into one corner(also do not remember) and my fam had to come find me and get me out. It was a great night and a horrible next day.

Staring into a bathroom corner?

Sounds like you are one depressed drunk.

No I am actually a very happy drunk lol. I’m the asshole that walks around the bar making friends with everyone when i’m wasted.

I don’t remember doing that and I don’t know why I was doing that lol. But I had to be carried out. It may have had to do something with the fact I just couldn’t move lol

Someone must have slipped you a roofie

I started drinking at 4pm on my bday. A friend came at 6, tried to drink with me, and went to the hospital at midnight with a .28 BAC (death/coma concerns start at .3), and I continued to drink until 4am.

Given those facts, I’m gonna slow down a bit. I don’t drink often, but, can’t control it when I do.

a very close family member was arrested for DWI while coherent and even rational in her explanations.

blood tested .34 BAC.

no joke, when I was talking to the arresting officer he said he was blown away that she was conscious, let alone screaming at him coherently :rofl

moral of story:

if you cant scream at cops with a BAC of .3 or greater you’re a bitch compared to said close family member

or you just haven’t been compounding your bac for several months :rofl

alcohol is horrible

I wish I could have tested my bac a few times to see how wrecked I was. Best ones I can think of were: thinking a green traffic light was blinking, walking into my neighbors house thinking it was mine and telling my friend I was tinkerbell and they cant hear me, pissing on my floor thinking i was at a urinal, parking a quad on top of a bon fire in an attempt to ride over it, shooting firecrackers out of/into my pants, inadvertantly asking my mom to show me her tities like Rick James on chappell show (4am didnt know she heard me come in and was behind me)… those were some of the ones I dont remember and were told days after it happened. lol

I love booze

My friend’s room mate was hammered last night and allegedly pissed all over his bed/clothes :rofl

pretty sure i was above .3 when i got sent to the hospital/stomach pumped earlier in the year.