The I'm still in college because I don't want to get a real job yet thread

Instant tiny teenage dicks

All day yo

Done forever twice now.

Really man? How come?

My class tonight is not cancelled. FMA

RNs make bank even with an AS degree.

Yeah maybe I will go for nursing after I get my BA

no why ?

It’s insanely expensive for what you actually get.

Not to mention, an unaccredited career school whose credits are generally non-transferable to most colleges.

Have fun going to school with all those dirty N’s.

Fuck this MacBook. Piece of shit Safari couldn’t load something as simple as a .pdf student loan document. Angered, I install Firefox. Smooth sailing until the .pdf comes up, so I go to install the Adobe plugin. Click -> NO SUITABLE PLUGIN FOUND. rgljerhljksetborstjb

Manually download the Adobe .pdf reader for firefox. Open it up in snowleopard, and what happens? “Unable to open file - unrecognized.”


that’s what you get for owning an apple.

It can write some amazing papers, I’ll give it that. iWork, and more specifically Pages, is awesome.

Aside from the sync with my iPhone though it’s a fucking WASTE OF MONEY.

Deff not accredited. Worthless…

My class is cancelled tonight. lol

I’m about to take a semester off and use my loan to buy this:

Then reality set in, so I bought this instead:

Not going to any other schools . I got a huge scholarship to go there. Got associates in arts at hvcc and getting criminal justice degree at bryant and stratton in a year . Works out perfect with the timing before the house goes on the market . Moving anyways out of nys down south to do border patrol.

Fuck college. I wish I had all the money I wasted on it back or maybe I couldve had a sick car or truck instead of 2 absolutely worthless HVCC degees.
$9k + atleast $3k in tools. Waste of fucking money and just pisses me off thinking about actually having that money at one point in my life and blowing it all away. I never had a student loan so that was like $12k in cash I couldve spent on something nice.

i was debating going back to hvcc, probably should have

Paul you are motherfucking retarded, and doing it all wrong. I will have 12k in Student loans after i get my BA in two semesters. Big fucking deal. If you TRIED and applied yourself, you could have a career now.

“In March, the national unemployment rate was 12 percent for people with only a high-school diploma, 4.5 percent for college grads, and 2 percent for those with a professional degree”.

You don’t even get a real degree, you get some hackjob degree in “Occupational Studies” or some horseshit. My sister in-law went there, spent a fuckload of money and was lucky to find a job as a shitty paralegal at some bunk ass law firm because of someone my mother in-law knew from church. The school sucks. Good luck becoming border patrol with that piece of shit degree, you are better off printing some shit off the internet.