THE **iPhone** Thread (GPS, JailBreak, Apps, Etc)

The touch can be upgraded to 2.1 firmware. I personally would sell them both and get the 2nd gen one tho.

Not a big deal that I don’t have built in speakers or volume control. The 8GB is the recent model that just got discontinued.

I just want to screw around with it, but want to make sure I pick the right one to do it with.

Both are the same. You can upgrade either to the newest 2.0 firmware but if you have one that is a 1.X firmware, it will cost you I think like 9.50 if you do it through iTunes so just find the firmware online and install it yourself.

does anyone find the android phone attractive? i just don’t see the rush to get this one.

side by side comparison:

A great article on the changes Apple needs to make if they want to compete against Android backed phone IMO. Some great references to good articles you might have missed too.

I dont know if its a matter of being attractive, some people were just loving the OS. I swear if i hear one more fggt call the iphone sexy im gonna shove it up their ass and ask them if they think that it is still sexy… Im sure some forum members would still like it however.

Its sexy.

*bends over

so sexy is the iphone…

cmon over rob.

Cool jailbreak app I found today: Status Notifier

Puts the status of Email, SMS, Phone Calls, and Voicemail in the status bar by the clock. Pretty sweet!

I’m sorry iPhone people I preordered the G1 haha… I’m a phone addict and google addict and I couldn’t help myself. I want GPS, but being on Tmobile I can’t do the 3g iphone, I’ve wanted a real keyboard for a while…

I feel like I’m turning my back on my best friend since the iphone is DEFINITELY the best phone I’ve ever had haha…

Oh well!

^^^ Thanks for the info that status notifier is out, just got it from cydia. woot!!! I’ve been waiting for that since 2.0 came around. :smiley:

Ah WTF. Status notifier now requires winterboard.

F that.

EDIT: If you SSH into your phone and have wget installed, you can get the original package here:

Anyone seen the stores that have the neoprene arm band for the iPhone? I asked ATT the other day but they were out of them and don’t really want to wait to order one online.

no but they did have the pink skirts to go with it there.

i wanna flash my sexy phone at the gym when i work out.

Why don’t you use winterboard?

ok i have a question/problem, my friend just got an iphone but he cant install AIM for some reason. he tried redownloading it several times and he still has the same problem it just wont fully install. any suggestions?

could be an incomplete download, have him try from itunes

yeah, try d/ling it from itunes.

I’ve had the same problem installing directly to the phone… itunes has always worked

yea that worked thx

yea that worked thx