THE **iPhone** Thread (GPS, JailBreak, Apps, Etc)

oh, right on. Good to know

ATT 2.9?

Ya carrier version. The 2.2 update gives you new carrier settings. APN, digits, etc. Between this and the baseband update, the iPhone should be even more stable with calls and network.

Oh and I want the MI 2.2 patch before I go with my cracked apps because I like all my stuff on iTunes and install apps through iTunes. Over the air was cool but a PITA and sometimes broke AppStore

In cydia search bigboss and scroll down a bit you will see somethin about tzones 5.99 hack download that,install and restart your phone and u should be fine.

So what are some must have apps??

Uno :tup:

Now isnt T-mobile suposed to get a phone like the iphone? Wont they fix the plan and make it not 5.99 eventually?

the have it already its the G1 and it has a separate plan i believe. there is the basic 5.99 plan then the 19.99 plan (the one i have) and a 3g plan i think thats 29.99

Using 2.2 firmware… I just installed jailbroke using quickpwn 2.2. Then used cydia to install “installous” and “Openssh”

once installed restarted the iphone. sftp’d into the iphone dumped in a bunch of .ipa’s and used installous to install them… works fine for me…

Just confirmed it to work using Guitartour 1.2 which i downloaded indirectly from some site that had a ton of links… It seemed much easier that using appshare to find programs as it is slower than balls…

I guess you could also just take the .ipa file and change the extension .zip. unzip it to get the .app folder and dump it into the applications folder when you sftp into it… I haven’t tried this yet

do you have to edit a plist file to do that?

Jailbreaking might do that…

but if you jailbreaked 2.2 with quickpwn 2.2 you shouldn’t have to worry about it. I’m gnna try it without jailbreaking it. see what happens… because touch term allows you to ssh into the iphone too…

meh. I didn’t want to put too much effort into hacking into the iphone as root, besides its just as easy to jail break it. Then you don’t have to worry about anything.

But ssh way is super easy. IMO better than using cydia, appshare, what ever

Ya that is basically what downloading would do. Just puts them in that folder and installs them.

I like that way too. I rather download them and move them myself. I like the desktop version of to see more info on the AppStore apps than use iTunes to browse it.

just a warning…dont install the flashlight app that cydia has, it may be brighter than the one from the app store but it messed up my screen and the backlight would not come on…had to restore it

Motherfucker… now I can’t SSH/sftp into my iphone. I even went through the newbie steps to do it. WTF!!!

Until there is something worth doing to my iphone i think i will leave it alone because i dont want to mess anything up.

Something worth doing it… THERE IS A LOT WORTH DOING IT!

Noteables - SPORES, Guitarrocktour

Time to go pick up iPhone #3. Apple wants to swap my phone because I am not getting caller ID on any number that does not push 10 digits. Anything else shows up as unknown or a + in front of it so i get to wait inline at the apple store and listen to countless people complain about their Macs they got to be trendy and cant fucking use while they give me a new phone, sim card, and activation.

Do you mean like when you dont have 1(716) infront of the number? Mine doesnt show up inless it has a 1 in front of the area code. It tells me the number but it wont say the name of the person.

Do any cell phones do caller ID look up?

not that i know of

I think all of the caller id’s work if you have the number in your phone labeled to a name.