THE **iPhone** Thread (GPS, JailBreak, Apps, Etc)

They have been working on it for a while now. I think the WiFi chip isn’t capable of it which has been the hold up.

Too bad. This device would be pretty risky.

ok, so what IS the deal with taking pictures on this phone? Drag and drop to Windows and the images are clocked 90 degrees. Reclock them, save and upload to a site and it’s wrong. If I had uploaded to Flickr without touching, they’d be find. It’s almost like it knows the orientation is wrong, but Windows isn’t getting the hint…or Apple isn’t letting on.

What is the secret?

VideoRecorder3g from DreamCatcher gets a huge :tup: from me. Really surprised how decent the video looks on a phone that wasn’t supposed to take video. Records directly to .mov, lets you upload to youtube or email, as well as copy the files via SSH.

Demo in Cydia, cracked version around if you look a little bit.

My buddy has verizon fios and i could never hop on his WiFi even though it was unlocked. :frowning: Mines a 1g though so maybe its not as superior with finding wifi.

The Xellous (sp?) repo has all that stuff cracked to install from cydia. I got cycorder which I like and the cracked MCleaner call filter tool.

Anyone find a useful way to organize your spring board. I want a few apps on my first screen, particularly ones that update and have the status widget that shows like 2 tasks, 2 messages, 3 emails, etc next to the icon but the rest i want in categories if possible. I tried categories from Cydia but not a fan as it pretty much launched a program when you choose a “folder” to list what was in it. Any other alternatives?


I just got a iPhone, and im typing this on my laptop tethered to it. Its faster than expected.

Pretty good for mobile internets…

ok so i have a problem on my unlocked jailbroken iphone 1st gen running 2.0.2… i go to the app store and it all works except the game section. the screen will go black and right back to the home screen. iv rebooted the phone and it still happens.

upgrade to 2.2?

cant do it. my computer kept not letting quickpwn work. so im stuck with 2.0.2

In what way does quickpwn not work? Fix it.

You need to be running 2.2

cant lol vista keeps closing quickpwn and wont give a reason y. so im screwed unless someone else wants to give it a try.

Dual boot with XP, or reinstall Vista?

reinstalled vista and it still happens, can i throw someone a few bucks to do it for me? ill drive where ever lol

are you running it as an admin?
make sure you have the latest .net framework installed too

i do lol. its not my first iphone that iv unlocked lol, not to sound like a smart ass. just i think something is royally fucked

Anyone get log me in working? Anytime I connect to my laptop running 1920x1200 in high color and everything I get the out of memory warning.

have you tried restoring back to the original 2.0.2, then upgrading, and re-jailbreaking?

Anyone get log me in working? Anytime I connect to my laptop running 1920x1200 in high color and everything I get the out of memory warning.

I get that if my phone has been running for a while. On a fresh reboot though, I’ve never had an issue (same resolution and color depth)

Do you have any themes or SBSettings running? That might be my reason why it crashes. Haha

I do have SBsetting, but don’t have winterboard or anything installed