I’m addicted to parking lot. Such a great time waster puzzle game.
I like iRacing too. Kind of like the web and turn based games but its pretty cool. Just like iMafia but with cars
i am addicted to texttwist and lets golf
Alright i guess ill put this in this thread instead of a new one. I currently have verizon and my contract is up with them. I want to switch to AT&T to get an iphone. But i have heard that there is a new one coming out in June. So i dont want to get one now if there is a new one coming that soon.
What would you guys do? Wait it out in hopes of a newer iphone or just get the 3g one now? Thanks.
Wait for the new one. Since you don’t have to resign to just stay with Verizon for a couple more months, it won’t be anything off your back to just hold onto it for a little longer. It’ll be worth the wait to have the extra shit you get with a newer model.
That’s IF there is going to be another release in June. I don’t know the details on that.
Tethering your computer is part of the new OS?
Is there an app so I can take a picture of my phone using my phone?
Cause my phone is so abused you’d all get a kick out of it.
Yeah it’s called iMirror.
Yep. Also works over bluetooth too
And we’ll have to wait for new jailbreaks to come out before being able to jailbreak it again right?
I’m pretty excited for this.
dude just hit the home and power button at the same time. i thought everyone knew about that
He’s not talking about screenshots. He means the physical abuse to the phone.
Developers have the beta now. Its beta 2 so there is some bugs but the software is really cool. Tons of features. There is a jailbreak but Cydia does not work yet and some apps don’t work but Icy does allow you to add some programs.
yes there is, its suppose to have better battery life cause of a new screen and faster internet
Aparently a better camera and video recording too.
yup forgot about that too
Is that it for the 3rd gen upgrade? I’m about to pull the trigger today. 3G is fast enough, I have a real camera for video and pics.
so far that is all we heard about
That is for the new iPhone Pro that is rumored for June.
Ya it sounds cool and nice to have a better camera but I don’t think its a reason to get rid of my 3G. I run 3.0 on it now and its great. Has everything I need and more. There is jailbreak apps that give you video recording and stuff for quick on the go. I dont mind the camera for what I need to take pictures of in a quick situation.
I just brought my new baby home, synching itunes as we speak. I have over 8gb of music so I had to buy the 16gig version. With my wife’s discount through Ingram the family plan works out to be the same per month as just the iphone alone. She got an LG shine…I think I got the better end of the deal Now, what are the cool apps. do I have to read through all 50 pages of this thread?