THE **iPhone** Thread (GPS, JailBreak, Apps, Etc)

weird i havent done any 3gs 3.0.1 yet, i did my 3g and it worked fine

my 2G worked so easily with redsn0w.

trying again now but it looks to be stuck at the reboot stage again, i’ll let it sit for a bit.

the only time i had it sit at the reboot is when i was using the wrong firmware like the 2g or 3g

Go back a page or two and I posted about how to use openssh over usb to transfer files.

But basically you install OpenSSH and BossPrefs from Cydia, use BossPrefs to turn on SSH, then use an FTP client to with SSH support (I like Filezilla) to connect to the phone with user root, password alpine. Then drop your IPA files in /private/var/mobile/Library/Downloads. Once the IPA is copies you can go into installous and click on downloads and see it there to install.

You can do it over wireless if you have some time to kill, or look up “ssh over usb iphone” on google and use Iphone Tunnel Suite" to transfer the files via USB at 1.1 MB/s.

lol i saw it right before i was going to work so i didnt have time to look for it

Sitting at “decompressing” right now. Installing these giant GPS apps takes forever.

Thx I’ll give it a shot tomorrow when im not half asleep.

found it for the non newsgroup people

13 .rar files

The TomTom app seems a bit more polished than Sygic. Only did a 2 mile commute with it so far though. I looked at some routes for some longer trips I usually take and it’s routes were much better than the Sygic suggested routes. POI database is far better, as is the POI search capability.

And gpush suddenly started working great this morning. New mail notifications 2-4 seconds after sending.

I figured i would post in this thread, im sure some people know i had a Iphone 2g which stopped working properly.

Should i get the 3g or the 3gs, 3gs is 100 more, i dont know if the plan for it would cost more then the regular 3g, but if im paying 100 and im stuck with the phone for 2 years, shouldnt i just man up and buy the 3GS??? Better picture quality let alone faster CPU and memory i believe. Thanks!

since you are stepping up from a 2g i would say get the 3gs but like you said you are stuck with it for 2 years and next year the 4g is suppose to come out

It wasn’t worth the money for me to upgrade from my 3g to 3gs, but if I were starting new and it was only $100 difference I’d get the 3gs. I’ve run my 3g and my brother in law’s 3gs side by side and the 3gs is quite a bit faster.

Any other new features with the 3gs?

Speed, better camera, ability to shoot decent video (much better than the Cycorder hack on 3g anyway).

voice control but after that, its pretty much a 3g

Well the most important thing to me would probly be the internet speed, maybe i should just get the 3g, or i could get a 3gs, and sell it to someone that is stuck in a contract for more $ then i bought it for, and buy a used 3g= profit maybe…

Anyone seen a place to download Navionics, Lakes: US East?

I’ve found Eastern US and several other places but can’t find the Lakes version that covers the Great Lakes.

I have tried everything and it will not fucking work. When I press Iphone tunnel it opens up a command window and it closes right away. I did a print screen and it says:

Fatal error: network error: software cased connection abort

I googled and tried some of the stuff I found but no luck at all!

You have the iPhone connected via USB and the computer sees it right? If you can’t get the tunnel thing to work you can always just do the standard ssh over wireless.

Install openssh and bossprefs from cydia. Use bossprefs to start open ssh. Use filezilla to connect via ssh to the iPhone. You can get the iPhones wireless network IP in bossprefs.

The transfer will work the same bu it will just take longer.

i tried with filezilla and I get the same message when i try to connect