The Jeep's replacement(s)

Some shitty phone pictures since I left my camera at school. Picking it up tomorrow.

potential! that red one in the background looks SICK! thats what u should shoot for!

Shoot for an E30 3-Series? I’d love to… Gotta get this 7-Series good to go though. I went up today and charged the battery in it with my dad’s Silverado, started right up after about 5 minutes of charging.

I think there is a very large hole in the exhaust at some point though, this thing is loud! Haha

wow, audi and bmw are poor choices
went from crap mopar to even more crap.

Good job on the down grade


any update on the audi?

The dealership towed it back. They’re having their guy look at it and hopefully fix it.

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